All premium subscriptions to Video On Demand offer unlimited access to all available media - at any time and from any computer with high speed internet.
To view the high quality HD videos in your home or office, simply purchase the subscription level that works for you, select the video you wish to watch, and press play. Many sessions include downloadable handouts (when provided by the speaker.) Further your professional development experience by enhancing your knowledge about important ESEA issues. Host a working lunch and watch sessions as a group by connecting your computer to a projector. Inspire discussion on pertinent topics in education by inviting your staff to watch videos on their own schedules. (Individual user accounts and subscriptions are required for individual desktop access.) Save by eliminating travel and lodging costs required to send staff to attend offsite conferences. The professional development opportunities are limitless.
Payment Information
All major credit cards are accepted. Pay by credit card and your subscription begins instantly. Check payments are also accepted - please download and follow the instructions for paying by check.
How to EARN CEUs
1. SIGN UP for a Video On Demand Subscription
2. REGISTER with the University of San Diego to get graduate-level CEU credit (this service costs $75)
3. WATCH at least 12.5 hours of Video On Demand sessions from the 2020 National ESEA Conference and complete an evaluation of each session you watch. Evaluations are located at the top of each session description.
4. When you have completed at least 12.5 hours of sessions and the corresponding evaluations, NOTIFY US that you have finished.
5. We will review your evaluations and notify the University of San Diego that you have completed the requirements, and they will issue you your credit.