NAESPA LogoESEA Director Development

Welcome! Maneuvering through the Elementary Secondary Education Act (ESEA) statutory language, federal guidance, and State and local policies can be a challenge even after years of being on the job. These sessions will build off the “New Director Development Series” offered from July 2023 to April 2024. The original series was specifically designed for Directors with 0-3 years of experience. These sessions continue the learning, so will be especially helpful to those new ESEA Directors, and will also have value to any ESEA State Directors. You need not have participated in the Year 1 series to join this learning opportunity. This Year 2 Series will focus on hands-on learning and “real world” activities, especially working collaboratively and developing relationships with colleagues. This series will include activities and materials that State ESEA Directors can use to facilitate professional learning with their staff.


Upon completion of this series, participants will have received real-world support in managing ESEA programs by improving their understanding of the following:

  • Content knowledge on the essential aspects of ESEA (statute, regulations, guidance, procedures, etc.);
  • Practical application of the knowledge to carry out job responsibilities; and
  • Opportunities for networking and problem solving with peers.


The project facilitator is Jonas Zuckerman, who previously served as a former ESEA State administrator and past NAESPA President. Jonas brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this work.


Below you will find the topics and dates of all meetings, as well as resources and session recordings. This series is scheduled to meet on the 1st Thursday of each month at 2:00 PM ET via Zoom, with the exception of the July meeting (in person at the NAESPA Summer Meeting) and the February meeting (in person at the NAESPA Professional Learning Event ahead of the National ESEA Conference).

Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 864 4504 3202
Passcode: 268155

Resources are listed below. This session was delivered in person at the NAESPA Summer Meeting in Washington, D.C.



Session 1 Slides

Session 1 Activity 1 - ESEA Plain Language

Session 1 Activity 2 - Purpose of ESEA

Every Student Succeeds Act 2015 Statements of Purpose

Resources and the session recording will populate as they are made available.

Resources and the session recording will populate as they are made available.

Resources and the session recording will populate as they are made available.

Resources and the session recording will populate as they are made available.

Resources and the session recording will populate as they are made available.

Resources and the session recording will populate as they are made available.

Resources and the session recording will populate as they are made available. This session will be delivered in person at the Winter Membership Meeting before the 2025 National ESEA Conference in Austin, Texas.

Resources and the session recording will populate as they are made available.

Resources and the session recording will populate as they are made available.