• Category 1

    Selected in 2012

  • Grades: k - 5
    School Setting: urban
    Town Population: 175,561
    Student Enrollment: 472
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 98%
    White/Caucasian: 1%
    Hispanic: 1%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 0%
    Native American: 0%
    Other: 0%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:25
    % Reduced Lunch: 92%
    % ELL Learners: 0%
    Founded: 2009
    Stephen Johnson
    3180 McDowell Rd. Extension
    Jackson, MS 39204
Bates Elementary School
Jackson, MS
Each day brings a different challenge that we must focus on holistically. By increasing the level of rigor in each classroom lesson that is taught, we can rest assured that we build comprehension and sustainability for each child. I challenge our staff daily to work together to meet the needs of every student. With this team work in action, our academic success will increase greatly.
Describe specific programs in place to ensure that families are involved in the success of your school and students.
Bates Elementary School’s site-council and PTA board members meet to discuss the priorities of the school, based on the results from the Needs Assessment Parent Survey and other school surveys and data collections. After data reveal the significant needs to be met, a parent compact is developed by the team (site-council and PTA board members).

Bates Elementary hosts a MCT2 Awards program in September/October depending on the date of the release of the data. At this event, we discuss the school level and specific grade level data. Students, parents and teachers receive awards for their performance on the MCT2. The students who have not met academic standards, the administrator, the teacher and the parent meet to discuss possible strategies to ensure that the child will meet the academic standard for the next school year. If the child is in the third grade and did not meet benchmarks, we would discuss with the parent the next steps and how much time he or she has to prepare in order to master the benchmarks. Teachers have meeting times before, during and after school hours to meet with parents one-on-one about their child’s progress. After each nine weeks, we have data meetings with parents. This is where the parents go to their child’s homeroom and the teacher delivers a presentation on his or her class’s data and how the parents can help increase performance.
Annual Open House – Parents meet their child’s teacher to discuss the expectations for the school year.

MCT2 Awards Program – Parents and students receive awards for outstanding academic excellence on the MCT.

Trading Spaces/Parent Academy – This event is held every nine weeks to share with parents strategies that they can use at home to help their child in the specific areas of weaknesses identified by District Assessment Data. At these activities, we have parent support groups on hand to deliver professional development, as well as, host booths to inform parents about their services.

Weekly Progress Reports – reports are sent home each Thursday letting parents know the progress of their child.

Home-visits – when parents cannot come to the school, we will visit the home to discuss strategies with the parent.
What are your school’s top two goals for the next year?
Our first goal for the next school year is to improve academic excellence for all students. As the building level administrator, it is incumbent upon me to ensure that teaching and learning take place on a daily basis. With highly qualified and certified teachers and support staff, our mission is to work together to make it happen for our students in this community. Each day brings a different challenge that we must focus on holistically. By increasing the level of rigor in each classroom lesson that is taught, we can rest assured that we build comprehension and sustainability for each child. I challenge our staff daily to work together to meet the needs of every student. With this team work in action, our academic success will increase greatly.

Our second goal for the next school year is to continue to cultivate, nourish, and build our school climate, culture, and environment. By doing so, we can easily increase student achievement. It is vital that the work environment is conducive for successful learning. Through professional development, needs assessment, and focusing on best practices, our goal is to strive for the holistic development of staff to impact instruction. The environment and morale that were chartered when Bates Elementary opened in 2009 were unique and exclusive to our staff, students, parents, and community. It is in this same vein that we seek to continue to nourish and grow for success. We want to S.P.L.A.S.H. (serve, protect, love, accept, support, and honor) our school.
Explain how Title I funds have supported your improvement efforts.
Title I funds provide opportunities for all students to meet state and district academic requirements. Title I funds assist in effective methods of instruction that are based on scientific research that strengthen the core academic program and increase the amount of quality learning. These methods provide enrichment and reinforcement in the daily curriculum and instructional delivery. Title I helps us to focus on best practices and additional strategies to address the needs of all children in the school. Additionally, low achieving students and those at risk of not meeting the standards are targeted for additional support, daily. Title I funds also support highly qualified professional staffing. These funds also focus on providing parents and community stakeholders with professional development and strategies to help their children at home, and after school care providers. Our school seeks to sustain parental involvement throughout the school year. Because curriculum and instruction are key components of teaching and learning, Title I funds are used to support best instructional practices with new, innovative, and interactive technology. This technology is used in our school for guided practice, independent practice, and review of needed skills and objectives throughout the school year.
Describe how data is used to improve student achievement and inform decision making.
Student Achievement data is collected through Academy of Reading and Math/TE 21, common weekly assessment data, Success Maker, District Nine Week Assessment data, Report Card and MCT2 data. The data is analyzed daily by teacher and weekly by the leadership team.

School Context and Organization data is collected through attendance data, discipline data, staff evaluations and needs assessments, and surveys. The data is analyzed daily by teachers, weekly by instructional leader and per term by Teacher Support Team.

Professional Development data is collected through staff needs assessment surveys, student achievement and staff evaluations. The data is analyzed before, during and after professional development is offered, delivered, and completed.

Curriculum and Instruction data is collected based on the District Nine Week Assessments, classroom assessments, teacher observations and evaluations, staff needs assessments and student achievement. The data is analyzed daily by the teachers, instructional coaches, and instructional leader.

Family and Community Involvement data is collected based on parent/community surveys and participation in events, which includes volunteering. The data is analyzed weekly to determine the effectiveness of the involvement of the family and community.
Describe your school culture and explain changes you’ve taken to improve it.
Bates Elementary School houses some of the brightest minds within the Jackson Public School District. This community encompasses two areas that are divided by US HWY 18. It is one of several elementary schools servicing students in the southern zone of JPS.

Bates Elementary School is located in Mississippi’s only urban and largest school district that educates nearly 30,000 students. The school has students in grades Kindergarten through fifth grade. Our school has a total enrollment of 472 students, with 98% being of the African-American race, 1% white and 1% hispanic. More than three-fourths of the student population lives in low-income apartments and 92% receives free and reduced lunch. Currently, we have a gifted program, Precious P.E.A.R.L.S. for our fifth grade girls that teaches about conflict resolution, Men of Honor for all young men who received Honor Roll at least one term, National Elementary Honor Society, and we take part in many health nutrition programs. Our staff consists of a principal, a school counselor, an interventionist, a librarian, three special education teachers, a music teacher, 19 classroom teachers, 17 instructional assistants, three office workers, four custodians, and thirteen cafeteria workers (shared with Cardozo Middle School).

It is the newest Elementary School in South Jackson. The design is very unique because it has on its campus a middle school, Cardozo Middle School.

The leadership team, which includes the principal, team leaders, and parent representatives, has developed a vision and mission that all staff and students are required to learn and do to exhibit the high expecations required of our district administration. Staff and students hold each other accountable to ensure that our vision and mission will be attained with all students holding fast to the belief, "I’m Possible".

The vision of Bates Elementary School is to create students of intellectual dexterity in a gregarious atmosphere in order to become a STAR performing school.

Our mission is to S.P.L.A.S.H. our stakeholders (staff, students, parents and the community) through rigor, relevance, and relationships!
  • Category 1

    Selected in 2012

  • Grades: k - 5
    School Setting: urban
    Town Population: 175,561
    Student Enrollment: 472
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 98%
    White/Caucasian: 1%
    Hispanic: 1%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 0%
    Native American: 0%
    Other: 0%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:25
    % Reduced Lunch: 92%
    % ELL Learners: 0%
    Founded: 2009
    Stephen Johnson
    3180 McDowell Rd. Extension
    Jackson, MS 39204