Category 1
Selected in 2022
Grades: k - 5
School Setting: suburban
Town Population: 33
Student Enrollment: 536
Student Demographics:
Black/African American: 10%
Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:11.8
White/Caucasian: 33%
Hispanic: 23%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 10%
Asian: 7%
Native American: 1%
Other: 16%
% Reduced Lunch: 62%
% ELL Learners: 12%
Founded: 1988 -
Melissa Munson-Merritt -
320 176th Street East
Spanaway, WA 98387
Camas Prairie Elementary School
Spanaway, WA
"We hold deeply the belief that we are all great teachers at Camas Prairie."
- 1. Tell us about your school’s success.
In August 2021, we attended PD re-emphasizing PLTs, quality tier 1 & 2 instruction, and priority standards clarity. Two weeks before school started, we overhauled our master schedule and instructional program to equitably serve all our students.
A month later, students completed the previous year's SBA (20-21) and scores revealed we had no time to waste. With strengths in one hand and growth areas overflowing in the other, we harnessed the power of our professional learning teams (PLTs) to create essential learning outcomes and SMART goals, including a regular schedule to monitor progress. In reality, students had to meet the previous year grade level expectations, measured by SBA in the fall, and meet current grade level expectations. By Spring, current year SBA (21-22) results indicated that in 8 short months ELA proficiency increased 23% and math proficiency increased 27%. Moreover, our students felt successful and staff reported the work as more manageable and satisfying.
- 2. Talk about the greatest contributing factor(s) that promoted positive change in your school.
Initiating tier 2 move-to groups was the greatest contributing factor to positive change at Camas Prairie. A few PLTs began move-to groups immediately, while others worked to solidify their vertical articulation. Administration was flexible yet focused; setting a goal for all students to learn in move-to groups by October. As word spread about the ease of planning for tier 2 and the rate at which students were meeting goals, more PLTs joined the movement early.
Successful move-to groups are dependent on high functioning PLTs. Focusing on PLTs for five years, we have grown into transparent data analysis, an emphasis on learning, and interdependency. Teams also increased their flexibility; letting go of preferences and adjusting student groupings weekly or daily. With all students moving, we eliminated the stigma associated with leaving to learn in another setting. As a result, any teacher has the opportunity to teach any student, advancing the culture where they are all our students. - 3. How has ESEA funding supported the school's success?
Camas Prairie’s school wide reading intervention program is supported by ESEA funding. Throughout the day, we serve K-5 students with the most need, using increased staffing and an evidence-based reading curriculum.
Our reading program is rooted in foundational skills instruction and pacing expectations for accelerated growth. Initially, we conduct a diagnostic assessment for each reading student that identifies placement. Pinpointing the specific lesson instruction where must begin is an important program component; placing students arbitrarily at lesson one wastes valuable instructional time.
High quality educators are essential to our success. ESEA funding allows us to employ more staff members, which in turn, reaches more students in more small groups. Working with district coaches, our team uses a monthly observation-feedback-coaching cycle. The program has grown into a systems-driven, data-driven, highly responsive program, resulting in high levels of student growth.
- 4. What professional development activities were used to improve teaching and learning?
We are fortunate to have many opportunities to engage in professional development throughout the year. Our district provides PD for all staff and schools also direct several building-specific PD experiences with dedicated time afforded to us by the district calendar. District and building administration survey staff to determine PD needs; tailoring experiences so they are valuable and applicable to our work.
During the summer of 2021, a district partner engaged certificated staff and administrators in two days of high quality PD. While the event was broadcast via Zoom, we all attended in person to work as PLTs and an entire school. This event led to the spark that prompted our identification of essential learning outcomes and move-to groups, based on priority standards. In the 2021-2022 school year, we focused on PLT development using the Principles of Effective PLTs, school wide benchmark data analysis, and vertical articulation and alignment among all grade levels.
- 5. Talk about the cultural shift leading up to your school's success.
For the past five years, our staff engaged in conversations and PD experiences centered around the notion that all students are our students. As a result, staff members felt comfortable reteaching expected behavior to a non-homeroom student in the hallway or on the playground, but to teach a non-homeroom student math or reading was unheard of.
The major cultural shift came when we implemented move-to groups and any teacher could see any student during the day. We transitioned to analyzing student and grade level data, as a whole, rather than classroom by classroom data. When identifying the teacher for a designated move-to group, PLTs use quantitative and qualitative data to identify individual instructional strengths; so each student truly has the best teacher to learn from in that skill-area.
We hold deeply the belief that we are all great teachers at Camas Prairie. Now, we all get to celebrate student growth because they are all our students and that has led to increased success. - 6. How has community involvement strengthened your success?
Our community is extremely supportive of Camas Prairie. When a district partner anonymously surveyed our families, 84% indicated our school is a place their children enjoy, classroom instruction is motivating, diverse backgrounds are valued, and mutual respect exists.
Twice a year, more than 95% of our families attend student conferences to celebrate growth and discuss areas of growth. Dedicated time for the teacher, student, and family to connect fosters community-school relationships and strengthens our academic program. Conferences also give us an opportunity to show how important positive attendance and behavior are for success.
We also host learning-focused evening events. Families participate in a make and take activity for learning at home. Events are so well-attended, we must stagger family arrival times as we can have upwards of 1,000 people attend a single event. These connections engage parents so they are confident in supporting their children with specific skills.
Category 1
Selected in 2022
Grades: k - 5
School Setting: suburban
Town Population: 33
Student Enrollment: 536
Student Demographics:
Black/African American: 10%
Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:11.8
White/Caucasian: 33%
Hispanic: 23%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 10%
Asian: 7%
Native American: 1%
Other: 16%
% Reduced Lunch: 62%
% ELL Learners: 12%
Founded: 1988 -
Melissa Munson-Merritt -
320 176th Street East
Spanaway, WA 98387