• Category 3

    Selected in 2022

  • Grades: 3 - 5
    School Setting: rural
    Town Population: 7,179
    Student Enrollment: 392
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 1%
    White/Caucasian: 31%
    Hispanic: 64%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 2%
    Native American: 1%
    Other: 1%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:19
    % Reduced Lunch: 70%
    % ELL Learners: 28%
    Founded: 2016
    Lisa Fye
    1700 Glenwood Avenue
    Crete, NE 68333
Crete Intermediate School
Crete, NE
"By improving tier-one instruction, we are able to support each and every student in the regular education classroom."
1. Tell us about your school’s success.
In 2019, Crete Intermediate was identified as “targeted support and improvement” for EL students based on state assessments. The last couple of years, we have consistently seen growth in our proficiency scores for English language arts, math and science. Our individual student growth has increased by 7%. We are proud of the academic growth of our students during a very challenging time.
For the 2021-2022 school year, Crete Intermediate received a classification of “great” based on increased academic performance and attendance. Our school was also removed from the “targeted support and improvement” list.
During our morning check-in, we ensure students feel safe and ready to learn. We designed a system so students can privately communicate what they need to be successful throughout the
day. Our school counselor and school psychologist respond to their needs so students can learn.
We are extremely proud to be recognized as an ESEA Distinguished School

2. Talk about the greatest contributing factor(s) that promoted positive change in your school.
At Crete Intermediate, we have shifted our focus from all students to focus on each and every student to provide an equitable education. Students are challenged every day to achieve high levels of success. Our push-in model ensures that all students receive the best instruction.
Our focus for data analysis has been to ensure that at least 80% of our students are meeting growth goals and/or demonstrating proficiency on benchmark assessments.
Overall, the greatest contributing factor that promoted positive change is the staff at Crete Intermediate has embraced challenges with determination and positivity. We have come together to give our students the best education possible while meeting their social, emotional and academic needs. During a difficult time in education when schools experienced closures and learning loss, our academic achievement continued to improve.

3. How has ESEA funding supported the school's success?
Crete Public Schools used ESEA funding to support student achievement by providing professional development in the area of improving tier one instruction. By improving tier one instruction, we are able to support each and every student in the regular education classroom.
We also used ESEA funding to implement new ELA and math resources. Our professional development helped the staff to utilize the resources with fidelity and continue to gain knowledge of the Nebraska state standards.
4. What professional development activities were used to improve teaching and learning?
Crete Intermediate spent a great deal of time on professional development to enhance our tier-one instruction by using effective Marzano strategies. We specifically focused on engagement, identifying critical content and planning standards-based lessons. As we became familiar and proficient with the elements, we extended our knowledge into learning and developing lessons to master the rigorous Nebraska state standards.
Along with improving instruction, our teachers spent professional development time and planning time preparing lessons using strong resources such as Eureka math and Amplify CKLA. During planning meetings, teachers were able to discuss state standards and create ways to scaffold lessons so students could not only master the standard but also learn at a higher level.
5. Talk about the cultural shift leading up to your school's success.
The cultural shift started when the staff implemented a vision statement. Our actions support our mission of:
Crete Intermediate:
Where students want to be
Staff choose to work
Parents want to connect
Every day, we work to make sure students are in school and ready to learn. Last year, 94% of the students identified they felt connected to an adult in our building.
Our strong, collective environment of teamwork makes Crete Intermediate a great place to work. People visiting our school stated that, when you walk into our building, you can feel the TEAMWORK. It feels different; it feels special.
The families at Crete Intermediate are supported through our special programs, such as adult EL classes, GED classes, Sixpence, Migrant Education and Family Literacy. Crete Public Schools also aids families by offering an afterschool program for all students. Last year, approximately 150 students participated in the afterschool program on a regular basis.

6. How has community involvement strengthened your success?
Crete Public Schools is supported by the community in a variety of ways. Our students receive food backpacks over the weekends, long breaks and during the summer to ensure food stability.
Southeast Community College assists our students and families by helping provide health screenings in the school setting. Their assistance allows our school nurses to screen hundreds of students each year.
We have several community partners such as Saline County Extension and Crete Public Library who lead clubs in our afterschool programs. Many of these community partners also teach summer camps, leading educational and experiential activities.
With Doane University's location in Crete, we partner with their teacher education program to host student assistants and student teachers every semester. Their undergraduate students gain experience in our classrooms and after-school program.
Our community partnerships provide invaluable experiences for our students.

  • Category 3

    Selected in 2022

  • Grades: 3 - 5
    School Setting: rural
    Town Population: 7,179
    Student Enrollment: 392
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 1%
    White/Caucasian: 31%
    Hispanic: 64%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 2%
    Native American: 1%
    Other: 1%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:19
    % Reduced Lunch: 70%
    % ELL Learners: 28%
    Founded: 2016
    Lisa Fye
    1700 Glenwood Avenue
    Crete, NE 68333