• Category 2

    Selected in 2022

  • Grades: pre k - 5
    School Setting: urban
    Town Population: 95
    Student Enrollment: 295
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 6%
    White/Caucasian: 30%
    Hispanic: 15%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 3%
    Asian: 4%
    Native American: 15%
    Other: 27%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:25
    % Reduced Lunch: 60%
    % ELL Learners: 5%
    Founded: 1951
    Becky Zaverl
    1042 Lathrop Street
    Fairbanks, AK 99701
Denali Elementary School
Fairbanks, AK
"No matter the teacher or the class, they are ALL our kids."
1. Tell us about your school’s success.
The pandemic created multiple levels of academic knowledge within one grade level. Our kids were moving on to middle school without the essential reading blocks needed to navigate the world. This year our staff collaborated together to create a building wide Walk to Read program. The assessment & intervention materials we use are 100% aligned to the Science of Reading. Our protected walk to read time happens 5 days a week, 60 minutes a day and is everywhere throughout our building. We have 24 different groups with anywhere between 8-20 students in each group. These groups are at the “just right” level for the child's needs, regardless of their grade. Our students in special education are also mixed into our groups. We have trained our tutors in the same methods so every student receives the instruction they need and we know it’s uniform throughout the building.
2. Talk about the greatest contributing factor(s) that promoted positive change in your school.
We have trained our tutors in the same methods so every student receives the instruction they need and we know it’s uniform throughout the building. This could not happen without extraordinary collaboration of our staff. We have weekly PLC meetings and quarterly data team meetings to talk about student progress and possible movement between groups. Our decisions are data driven. Our staff is deeply committed to increasing literacy for our students. We know that reading is a foundational skill necessary for virtually everything we do. It opens possibilities for all children to succeed—to learn and grow, to explore and imagine, to investigate and verify, and to lead fulfilling lives. Reading well instills confidence and helps reduce inequities. That’s what happens at Denali Elementary. Our temperatures may get down to 50 below zero, but our building is warm & full of love, kindness and respect. And reading, lots and lots of reading.
3. How has ESEA funding supported the school's success?
This would not have been possible without ESEA funding. We have funded tutors, professional development and a walk to read coordinator. All are INSTRUMENTAL in making our program a success.
4. What professional development activities were used to improve teaching and learning?
Science of Reading PD, Data team meetings, & classroom visits (staff were given substitutes to cover their room while they go watch other staff who have worked in the Science of Reading approaches)
5. Talk about the cultural shift leading up to your school's success.
The biggest cultural shift has been for staff to remember that ALL 300 of our Denali kids are everyone's kids. No matter the teacher or the class, they are ALL our kids. At the beginning of the program a few teachers didn't like getting rid of their kids and getting kids who they didn't know or were connected with. The shift had to be made for a collective interest in getting every child to the next level.
6. How has community involvement strengthened your success?
One of our community partners, Ravens Landing, is a retirement community. We have connected with them in walking groups of students over to their facility so kids can practice reading to the residents.
  • Category 2

    Selected in 2022

  • Grades: pre k - 5
    School Setting: urban
    Town Population: 95
    Student Enrollment: 295
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 6%
    White/Caucasian: 30%
    Hispanic: 15%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 3%
    Asian: 4%
    Native American: 15%
    Other: 27%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:25
    % Reduced Lunch: 60%
    % ELL Learners: 5%
    Founded: 1951
    Becky Zaverl
    1042 Lathrop Street
    Fairbanks, AK 99701