• Category 1

    Selected in 2015

  • Grades: pre k - 5
    School Setting: rural
    Town Population: 1,051
    Student Enrollment: 238
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 13%
    White/Caucasian: 63%
    Hispanic: 13%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 2%
    Native American: 2%
    Other: 7%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:17
    % Reduced Lunch: 52%
    % ELL Learners: 4%
    Founded: 1952
    Rhonda Hill
    5721 Smithfield Road
    Wade, NC 28395
District No. 7 Elementary School
Wade, NC
Parents and volunteers volunteer hundreds of hours working with students, assisting teachers to close the learning gaps for our diverse student population thus increasing achievement and student performance. We have increased parent/community involvement and provided students and families time for learning, collaboration and fellowship as we unite all stakeholders in supporting our students' academic success.
Describe specific programs in place to ensure that families are involved in the success of your school and students.
District 7 Elementary is the heart of our rural community, population 1,051. We offer refreshments and/or family meals before our PTA Programs, School Improvement Team Meetings, Family Curriculum Workshops, After School Acceleration, Wade Founder's Day, Parents and Grandparents Luncheons and other events, resulting in increased family involvement. Our Families and Community Friends join in at our Fall Carnival, School Dances, AR After School, Book Fairs, Reading Rocks Walkathon, Santa Shop, Spring Musical Program, Winter Holiday Program, Science Olympiad Workshops, Battle of the Books, The Good News Club Friday Meetings and Hooray for District 7 Day to provide support and strengthen school, home and community relationships.
Describe the most successful activity your school has initiated to strengthen ties to your community.
Our District 7 Elementary Team and community work together investing our time and energies in our nation's most valuable resource- OUR CHILDREN. Parents and volunteers volunteer hundreds of hours working with students, assisting teachers to close the learning gaps for our diverse student population thus increasing achievement and student performance. We have increased parent/community involvement and provided students and families time for learning, collaboration and fellowship as we unite all stakeholders in supporting our students' academic success. Open communication flows between school and home which promotes home school connections and students' success. Through collaboration, high expectations and community involvement our students succeed.
Describe your philosophy of school change or improvement.
The staff and community of District 7 Elementary believe that high expectations are perseverance are a team effort. The students, staff, families, and community partners all work together to provide support for high student achievement. When it comes to the success of our students, we have a sense of urgency. All staff members communicate and collaborate to meet the needs of our students. Our small teacher and student population, and low turn-over rate allow teachers, teacher assistants, administration and resource staff opportunities to build strong positive relationships while we monitor students throughout their entire elementary school journey and provide support when necessary. Each morning we unite to recite our mission statement: The District 7 Elementary Family works together to achieve excellence in academics, behavior, and character. WE EXPECT THE BEST. Then our Principal asks - "How hard are you going to work today?" and we all respond back "212 Degrees!"
What are your school’s top two goals for the next year?
Data will continue to guide our academic decisions. Responding to text dependent questions in writing continues to be an area our data has shown need for improvement. Staff members (including administration, instructional coach and teachers) are working on various levels to provide Professional development, resources and leadership in this area of need. Teachers are participating in onsite professional development targeting writing and are revising instructional practices to meet the needs of our student population. Our second goal is to create a rich digital environment, where students and staff can explore new innovative digital tools which can be used to instruct and enhance learning. Teachers are provided time during weekly PLC's to explore digital tools. We will continue to write grants and seek support from our community partners whose donations help our 21st Century students be successful and become globally competitive.
What is the single most important factor in the success of your school that others could replicate?
An innovation used in all classrooms at District 7 Elementary are accountable learning strategies. All 3-5 students use the "Strategy Model" to share their reasoning for choosing/not choosing answer choices. Students explain in writing why the possible answer is correct/incorrect using evidence from the text. Using the "Strategy Model," we have improved our student reading, math and science success on Standards Mastery Assessments and End of Grade Assessments. In the spring, using this "Strategy Model", we offer 3-5 "Afterschool Acceleration" using student data to form small groups to target science, reading and math areas of need and enrichment. Our entire District 7 Teaching Team (PreK-5) teach remediation and enrichment sessions after school 4 days a week, which allows our groups to be manageable, strategic and successful.
Describe the program or initiative that has had the greatest positive effect on student achievement, including closing achievement or opportunity gaps, if applicable.
District 7 Elementary is often asked, "What are you doing differently at your school?" Our success begins with staff/student/community mission of high expectations for all. We have lead the county the last 3 years in science with over 90% End Of Grade Assessment proficiency. Each Friday afternoon we implemented "Fun Science Fridays" where the instructional coach and 5th grade teachers team-taught hands-on interactive science lessons, supplementing classroom instruction. The 5th grade team researched concepts, leading to the development of these lessons. Students and teachers began talking about science all week long, and our scores began to reflect our excitement for science. Staff members were also asked to share the lessons on our county's curriculum website. Every grade (Pre-K-5) participates in "Science Fun for Everyone" in-house field trips. Last year our 3-5 students participated in our district's Science Olympiad for the 1st time (winning 3rd place in the county).
Explain how Title I funds are used to support your improvement efforts.
Title I funding has allowed District 7 Elementary to hire a full-time instructional coach and a part-time certified instructional tutor. The instructional coach works daily with teachers during grade-level PLCs, provides professional development both during the school day and after hours, and models instruction. The instructional tutor pulls small groups three days a week, providing differentiated remediation in reading and math in grades 1-5. We also use Title I funds to offer student motivational workshops, Family Curriculum Nights and our After School Acceleration Program, in which 3-5 students are invited to stay after school for additional remediation/acceleration in math, reading, and science. We offer refreshments at our workshops, after school acceleration and family/community events. The instructional materials used are bought with Title I funds. In addition, we provide an End of Grade Assessment Celebration to motivate students and promote academic achievement.
Identify the critical professional development activities you use to improve teaching and student learning.
At District 7 Elementary, "We expect the best" from ALL! Teachers participate in many professional developments (PDs) enhancing student performance, facilitated by administration, the instructional coach and classroom teachers during weekly PLCs, staff meetings and workdays. PDs focus on reading/math/science concepts assessment data reveal as weaknesses. Data identified number fluency as an area of weakness in math, so teachers were trained to use Number Talks (discussions focusing on mental-math fluency) encouraging students to operate with numbers fluently/flexibly, resulting in both 3rd and 4th grade exceeding growth in math. Administrators facilitate Professional Development focused on Student-Centered Environments in the Digital Age. Our PD focuses on multi information sources, instructional resources, and tools to support curriculum and instruction. We continuously build teacher capacity to make instructional decisions to prepare our 21st Century learners for their future.
Describe how data is used to improve student achievement and inform decision making.
In correlation with high expectations, "We Expect The Best" is the motto our students and staff recite daily. Quality instruction and differentiated learning opportunities provided to ensure students maintain high proficiency/growth rates. At our summer school improvement team meeting we analyze End of Year data, create a School Improvement Plan and set goals to sustain academic high growth/success. Teachers work with administration and the instructional coach during weekly and quarterly 1/2 day PLC's, using the APT model (assess, plan, teach) to analyze data from various assessments; ensuring data driven instruction. Teachers support targeted groups enhancing reading, math, and science to increase student learning/fluency. PLC's use data to form targeted groups for remediation/acceleration intervention. In September all grade 3-5 students and teachers attend Creating the Best School Ever workshops to review school/student data and write individual goals and plans for success.
Describe your school culture and explain changes you’ve taken to improve it.
Here at District 7 Elementary School, we have a warm and welcoming culture, a culture of FAMILY. Teachers and administration work together as a team to meet the needs of students and support one another. Our staff and students are highly motivated to be the best they can be. District 7 has established a rich heritage of academic success and high performance by differentiating academic support and building strong home school relationships to ensure we all work 212 Degrees (our extra degree of effort makes a BIG difference) as a team. Teachers participate in after-hour professional developments offered by the county and use our system's You Tube channel to watch professional videos created by county educators (including several District 7 teachers) focused on building teacher content knowledge in all subject areas. Our teachers serve on county advisory teams generating resources, lesson plans, professional developments and instructional videos in science, math and social studies.
  • Category 1

    Selected in 2015

  • Grades: pre k - 5
    School Setting: rural
    Town Population: 1,051
    Student Enrollment: 238
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 13%
    White/Caucasian: 63%
    Hispanic: 13%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 2%
    Native American: 2%
    Other: 7%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:17
    % Reduced Lunch: 52%
    % ELL Learners: 4%
    Founded: 1952
    Rhonda Hill
    5721 Smithfield Road
    Wade, NC 28395