• Category 1

    Selected in 2012

  • Grades: pre k - 4
    School Setting: urban
    Town Population: 43
    Student Enrollment: 349
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 20%
    White/Caucasian: 45%
    Hispanic: 14%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 11%
    Native American: 0%
    Other: 10%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:20
    % Reduced Lunch: 47%
    % ELL Learners: 24.2%
    Founded: 1962
    James Kyner
    1562 Dairy Road
    Charlottesville, VA 22901
Greenbrier Elementary School
Charlottesville, VA
At Greenbrier we use multiple sources of data to inform our instruction. At the whole school level data is reviewed by administration and teachers to determine overall strengths and weaknesses. This information then helps us form plans for professional development and school wide initiatives. Our most powerful use of data comes from the classroom teacher. Teachers monitor student progress through the use of exit slips, unit tests, quarterly assessments, and other diagnostic checks on a regular basis. These data points allow us to focus instruction on the specific needs of each child and show us what concepts need to be retaught or extended.
Describe specific programs in place to ensure that families are involved in the success of your school and students.
Greenbrier has a very positive school culture. Many visitors have commented on the calm, and welcoming environment we have at our school. The school operates in an orderly fashion with sufficient structures in place that promote an environment conducive for teaching and learning. On our front door we have the statement,"Polite is spoken here." and that is the expectation of staff, students, and parents. Our expectations are high for students and staff alike. Staff members are committed to holding high expectations and providing support to meet those expectations. There is a strong sense of community at our school as evidenced by great participation in school events and a deep care for each other. There are high levels of collaboration taking place among teachers and between teachers and parents. We realize the importance of forming positive relationships, so our words and our deeds focus on building those relationships. We take time to celebrate each other and our efforts. Each faculty meeting begins with recognizing staff members who are a "Greenbrier Gem" because of something positive they did or said. School events like our fall and spring picnics and fun fair will draw hundreds of people. Our school is one that is vibrant and supportive to students, their families and teachers.
Describe the most successful activity your school has initiated to strengthen the ties to your community.
One activity has been opening up a learning center in one of our neighborhoods. The neighborhood consists of city public housing and section VIII apartments. Many of our ESL families live in this neighborhood. We have been able to secure one of the apartments to operate an after school learning center where students get extra help with their school work. We also have been able to utilize the space during the day to tutor parents in English speaking, reading, and writing. In addition we have had staff and parent volunteers use the center to sort and then distribute food to needy families on a regular basis. The food comes from a local food bank and community donations. The learning center is only about 1.5 miles from our school with a nature trail between us. One of our teachers has organized an after school running club utilizing volunteers to jog home with students instead of taking the bus. Students run home and then stay at the learning center for a snack and time to get help on their homework. The students and their families are very appreciative of this program. School staff operate the learning center and are very connected to the different families.
Describe your philosophy of school change or improvement.
Our philosophy is that you get better or you get worse, but you never stay the same. Our school embraces change that moves student achievement in a positive direction. When looking to make changes and improvements, the students’ needs are always at the forefront. When implementing new initiatives or programs it is important for the whole staff to take ownership. The role of the administration is to empower the staff to provide the best instruction possible.
What are your school’s top two goals for the next year?
We want to increase critical thinking skills in students through higher level questioning and practice with technology enhanced questions. Students will gain practice in solving multi-step problems.

We also want to incorporate more project based learning. Students will have opportunity to develop real life problem solving skills. They will also have practice in communicating thoughts, solutions and ideas to experts in various fields.
What is the single most important factor in the success of your school that others could replicate?
The staff and their positive attitude at Greenbrier is the greatest contributing factor to our success. Greenbrier teachers are committed and dedicated to seeing our students succeed. They hold high expectation for themselves, students, and parents. This is evidenced by the positive talk one hears in our building the encouragement of students in academics and behavior; extremely low rates of severe student discipline, and high levels of collaboration. Those that work at and attend Greenbrier refer to this positive spirit, incredible effort and focus as the “Greenbrier Way.” Teachers are available to parents, students, and each other. We realize the value of building relationships and spending our energies on William Glasser’s 7 connecting habits i.e. caring, listening, supporting, contributing, encouraging, trusting, and befriending. Engaging students’ hearts and minds in the process of learning, Greenbrier teachers believe they can draw the fullest potential out of each child.
Describe the program or initiative that has had the greatest positive effect on student achievement.
Our STAR Reading initiative has had a great and expanding impact on student learning. STAR stands for Students, Teachers, Authors, Readers and at it’s foundation is the idea that students view themselves as readers at a young age. Students are "Reading Stars" and teachers are "Star Makers." We track the hours read and have many incentives for reading. Our Library has books flying off the shelves as students check in and out on a daily basis in an effort to fill their library folder with parent signatures indicating their reading or being read to. Our ESL and Reading specialist have created a "STAR Start" academy that gives focused, intensive instruction to our neediest students helping them make accelerated growth. We have also taken the STAR theme into math as students can earn their "License to the Stars" as they complete basic math fluency tests. Students, parents, and staff members take pride in being Greenbrier Stars!
Explain how Title I funds have supported your improvement efforts.
Title I funds have been used to provide quality instruction to our students, high levels of collaboration among our teachers and has supported parental involvement in education of their children. Through Title I funds we have a Reading Specialist and a Math Specialist. These two positions are able to provide additional instruction throughout the day to small groups of students. These specialists also collaborate with other teachers and support them in providing students with best practices when it comes to instruction. Not only to they plan on a weekly basis with teachers, but provide teachers with professional development opportunities based on the needs of our school. In addition, Title I funds provide support for during the day and after school intervention groups and tutoring. Funds also enable us to host many evening events such as Pajama Reading Night, Math Game Night, and Bagels and Books. These events are great opportunities for families to interact with school staff together in a fun way.
Identify the professional development activities you use to improve the teaching portion of the teaching and learning process.
Teachers have many opportunities to participate in professional development on an ongoing basis. Opportunities are offered through the Division before the school year starts, on scheduled division PD days, and over the summer break. Staff members have a choice in the professional development they receive. Teachers and other staff sign up for sessions offered through an online PD Express catalogue. A wide range of topics are offered. Teachers may receive training in classroom management, word study, best instructional strategies, incorporating technology, and increasing rigor in instruction to name a few.
In addition to the professional development offered at the division level, Greenbrier teachers and assistants are offered more opportunities. A professional development bulletin board is maintained in the teachers’ workroom highlighting workshops and conferences that may be of interest to individuals or teams. Teachers can request attendance to these conferences from the Principal. Whenever a teacher participates in one of these conferences or workshops, they are responsible for presenting to the staff some of the key content of the conference.
Several faculty meetings throughout the year are designated to professional development. Topics include some component of best practices in math and reading. We also have professional development during faculty meetings to address school wide or district initiatives. For example, staff have received training in Olweus Bully Prevention, Responsive Classroom, and writing SMART Goals.
Teachers also have opportunities to learn from each other. We have used our Instructional Technology Resource Teacher in providing staff with short (20-30 minute) training in incorporating technology in the classroom. Our focus here has been how to use technology as an accelerant in learning and increasing critical thinking and creativity skills. Teachers are also encouraged to share ideas and observe one another. Because of our highly collaborative atmosphere, teachers have been able to hone their craft from each other.
Describe how data is used to improve student achievement and inform decision making.
At Greenbrier we use multiple sources of data to inform our instruction. At the whole school level data is reviewed by administration and teachers to determine overall strengths and weaknesses. This information then helps us form plans for professional development and school wide initiatives. Our most powerful use of data comes from the classroom teacher. Teachers monitor student progress through the use of exit slips, unit tests, quarterly assessments, and other diagnostic checks on a regular basis. These data points allow us to focus instruction on the specific needs of each child and show us what concepts need to be retaught or extended. Teachers also share this data with the administration and have frequent conversations about students and their performance. For students that are having significant difficulty we have an Early Intervention Team, consisting of school staff and parents. This team meets to review existing data, collect new data and make recommendations of strategies to improve the students performance. This process is very thorough and the team meets once per week to discuss specific students.
Describe your school culture and explain changes you’ve taken to improve it.
Greenbrier has a very positive school culture. Many visitors have commented on the calm, and welcoming environment we have at our school. The school operates in an orderly fashion with sufficient structures in place that promote an environment conducive for teaching and learning. On our front door we have the statement,"Polite is spoken here." and that is the expectation of staff, students, and parents. Our expectations are high for students and staff alike. Staff members are committed to holding high expectations and providing support to meet those expectations. There is a strong sense of community at our school as evidenced by great participation in school events and a deep care for each other. There are high levels of collaboration taking place among teachers and between teachers and parents. We realize the importance of forming positive relationships, so our words and our deeds focus on building those relationships. We take time to celebrate each other and our efforts. Each faculty meeting begins with recognizing staff members who are a "Greenbrier Gem" because of something positive they did or said. School events like our fall and spring picnics and fun fair will draw hundreds of people. Our school is one that is vibrant and supportive to students, their families and teachers.
  • Category 1

    Selected in 2012

  • Grades: pre k - 4
    School Setting: urban
    Town Population: 43
    Student Enrollment: 349
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 20%
    White/Caucasian: 45%
    Hispanic: 14%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 11%
    Native American: 0%
    Other: 10%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:20
    % Reduced Lunch: 47%
    % ELL Learners: 24.2%
    Founded: 1962
    James Kyner
    1562 Dairy Road
    Charlottesville, VA 22901