• Category 1

    Selected in 2021

  • Grades: pre k - 5
    School Setting: urban
    Town Population: 43,738
    Student Enrollment: 290
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 60.7%
    White/Caucasian: 4.5%
    Hispanic: 27.9%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 1%
    Native American: 0.7%
    Other: 5.2%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:8.2
    % Reduced Lunch: 60.6%
    % ELL Learners: 0%
    Founded: 1925
    Laura Scamardella
    1014 Bower Street
    Linden, NJ 07036
School No. 5
Linden, NJ
Collective efficacy is a shared belief."
1. Tell us about your school’s success.
School No. 5 students have made significant academic achievements for three consecutive years on the New Jersey Student Learning Assessment in Language Arts and Mathematics. In 2018-2019, we had the highest scores in grade five Language Arts for our district with seventy-five percent of the students meeting or exceeding the state benchmark. This accomplishment led to School No. 5 being awarded a 2020 National Blue Ribbon School for exemplary performance. We also achieved Bronze Tiered certification for Future Ready Schools. All teachers have become Apple Certified and instruct using both an Apple iPad and MacBook to support student learning. Two of our teachers are recognized as Apple Certified Coaches. Smart Boards can be found in all classrooms in grades pre-K through five. Apple TVs are utilized to enhance instruction in grades one through five. As a part of the district’s One-to-One Initiative, all students have access to iPads to further their learning in school and at home.
2. Talk about the greatest contributing factor(s) that promoted positive change in your school.
Striving for academic success begins with meeting students’ social-emotional needs. The Positive Behavioral System In School (PBSIS) rewards program increases consistency and communication of expectations for students and teaches accountability and conflict resolution. Students receive Cub Coupons to celebrate good choices. Cub Coupons are collected for a raffle during performance based monthly assemblies, showcasing specific character traits. Student of the Month also recognizes students for outstanding conduct, in which certificates and medals are awarded. Families and dignitaries are invited to attend the PBSIS ceremonies and Principal’s Luncheon. Students are also celebrated through Star Student recognition, in which teachers select a student weekly from their class for outstanding conduct, and the Attendance All Stars program, which highlights the importance of regular attendance. Clear and consistent expectations have created a positive, unifying environment for School No. 5.
3. How has ESEA funding supported the school's success?
The Targeted Assistance Title I program at School No. 5 provides extra academic support to reinforce Language Arts and Math skills to second through fifth grade students recommended for entrance into the program. To strengthen underlying concepts of grade level benchmarks and help close the achievement gap, two Title I teachers service students with small group, push-in instruction a minimum of 90 minutes per week. Lessons are customized to strengthen students’ deficiencies and reinforce basic skills. A Title I after school tutoring program is offered to our Title I students for Language Arts and Math, along with a summer tutoring program. Parent workshops are offered throughout the year to provide strategies and inform parents of the skills necessary for at-home reinforcement. Various family events are organized to encourage family bonding and provide supplemental materials and school supplies to our families, along with meals and snacks.
4. What professional development activities were used to improve teaching and learning?
Monthly professional development is built into the district's calendar to support best instructional strategies. Common Planning is used for teachers to practice inter-rater reliability by examining student’s work and planning What I Need Time. Novice teachers are provided mentorship for help with instructional practices and policies. Our School Improvement Plan Committee assists teachers with creating student growth objectives and professional development plans. Post conference administrative feedback, summative evaluations, and lesson plan review provide teachers specific areas to focus on for individualized growth. The Instructional Leadership Team works collaboratively to establish yearly school goals and meets monthly for in-house PD, to then turn key to staff. Yearly GCN training videos are mandated by the district. These professional experiences align with School No. 5’s unified approach to meet the needs of all students through supporting and enhancing teachers’ practices.

5. Talk about the cultural shift leading up to your school's success.
Collective efficacy is a shared belief that we have adopted at School No. 5 to further develop our understanding that a student’s overall performance is based on the influence of all educator’s working towards a common goal. In order to help further collective efficacy, in-district professional development has been provided focusing on John Hattie’s research, proving collective efficacy increases student achievement, home environment, and parental involvement. Leadership and data analysis were strengthened through internal and external teacher rounds. The entire staff works together to identify a problem of practice and specific learning focuses. Teachers visit with other teachers within the school, gathering data around the identified problem of practice and specific learning focuses. This data is then analyzed by the entire staff, and recommendations are given for areas in need of improvement. Professional development is then administered to improve these areas of instruction.
6. How has community involvement strengthened your success?
Community involvement is a strong aspect of success and achievement at School No. 5. We value the relationships formed between home, school and community. We encourage parents and prominent community members to take an active role in our students’ education. The PTA is vital in maintaining this connection through various school events, such as Fun Day, Muffins for Mom and Donuts for Dad. The Police and Fire Departments, our Mayor and other community dignitaries speak to our students during American Education Week, Women’s History Month and Black History Month. The Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs support our school through grants and donations. Through Junior Achievement, local professionals educate our students about finance. Union County Freeholders assisted with the development of our school garden, and donated funding for a family STEM night. Digital platforms and social media keep all stakeholders connected to our school. Student achievement thrives with these strong partnerships.
  • Category 1

    Selected in 2021

  • Grades: pre k - 5
    School Setting: urban
    Town Population: 43,738
    Student Enrollment: 290
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 60.7%
    White/Caucasian: 4.5%
    Hispanic: 27.9%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 1%
    Native American: 0.7%
    Other: 5.2%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:8.2
    % Reduced Lunch: 60.6%
    % ELL Learners: 0%
    Founded: 1925
    Laura Scamardella
    1014 Bower Street
    Linden, NJ 07036