• Category 1

    Selected in 2012

  • Grades: k - 5
    School Setting: rural
    Town Population: 40
    Student Enrollment: 136
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 1%
    White/Caucasian: 94%
    Hispanic: 4%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 1%
    Native American: 0%
    Other: 0%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:18
    % Reduced Lunch: 55%
    % ELL Learners: 1%
    Founded: 1869
    Stephen Jenkins
    7501 Ironworks Road
    Winchester, KY 40391
Pilot View Elementary School
Winchester, KY
At Pilot View Elementary there are many students that come from generations that have attended our same school. There is a strong sense of family between the staff, students and their families. Students realize that the staff absolutely does not differentiate between the students whether they are a gifted student, free or reduced lunch student, special education student or an average Joe. Everyone has the same expectations.
Describe specific programs in place to ensure that families are involved in the success of your school and students.
* We have face-to--face parent-teacher-student conferences in the fall and spring in order for all parents and students to share in the ownership of their son or daughter’s progress.
* At least 1 family gathering each month in order to bring families to school to celebrate community!
Describe the most successful activity your school has initiated to strengthen the ties to your community.
Although our school hosts many community outreach programs throughout the year such as Grandparents Day and Family Thanksgiving Lunch, the most successful activity our school has initiated to strengthen the ties to our community is the annual PVE Fall Festival. The PTO works tirelessly each year to coordinate the efforts of which 100% of proceeds directly benefit the students. We have beautiful and unique items donated by community businesses that are auctioned off to raise money for the school. We serve dinner and have games for the children to play. Hundreds turn out and this has been a tradition for many years. Many former students, local politicians, school board members, staff, students as well as families connect on this night to provide for our students.
Describe your philosophy of school change or improvement.
Every Child, Every Day, No Excuses!
What are your school’s top two goals for the next year?
All students SAFE!
All students better CITIZENS!
Describe the program or initiative that has had the greatest positive effect on student achievement.
With the assitance of Title 1 funds, Pilot View Elementary has been able to provide small, flexible groups for K-3 students in reading and math. We hire 2 retired teachers who work 100 days each year to assist with these groups. All adults take a reading and math group for 30 minutes, 3 days a week. The students are divided by guided reading level in math and SNAP ability in math.
Students are assessed every 2-4 weeks in order to allow them to move at their pace. Early intervention research and data shows dividends later in school.
Explain how Title I funds have supported your improvement efforts.
Title I funds have supported our improvement efforts by allowing us to hiring retired teachers for small group instruction in reading and math. They are also important in the re-teaching of mastery checks and skills.
Describe how data is used to improve student achievement and inform decision making.
We set goals for students where achievement is concerned. There are also benchmarks. When students don’t make/meet those goals, we do whatever is necessary to make sure the students master the concepts. Some examples are: small reading and math groups, Great Leaps reading, fluency groups, teaching through technology, etc.
Describe your school culture and explain changes you’ve taken to improve it.
At Pilot View Elementary there are many students that come from generations that have attended our same school. There is a strong sense of family between the staff, students and their families. Students realize that the staff absolutely does not differentiate between the students whether they are a gifted student, free or reduced lunch student, special education student or an average Joe. Everyone has the same expectations. Parents feel comfortable texting, phoning, or visit with the staff. Parents realize everyone at PVE has their child’s best interest at stake. Teachers and staff set expectations very high for all students with no excuses.
  • Category 1

    Selected in 2012

  • Grades: k - 5
    School Setting: rural
    Town Population: 40
    Student Enrollment: 136
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 1%
    White/Caucasian: 94%
    Hispanic: 4%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 1%
    Native American: 0%
    Other: 0%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:18
    % Reduced Lunch: 55%
    % ELL Learners: 1%
    Founded: 1869
    Stephen Jenkins
    7501 Ironworks Road
    Winchester, KY 40391