• Category 1

    Selected in 2015

  • Grades: k - 5
    School Setting: suburban
    Town Population: 60,070
    Student Enrollment: 540
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 11%
    White/Caucasian: 77%
    Hispanic: 3%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 0%
    Native American: 0%
    Other: 9%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:27
    % Reduced Lunch: 29%
    % ELL Learners: 1%
    Founded: 1957
    Justin Cabe
    20300 Statler Street
    St. Clair Shores, MI 48081
Princeton Elementary School
St. Clair Shores, MI
The single most important factor in Princeton's success is a collaborative approach to student learning. Collaboration includes keeping data current, relevant and knowing how to use it appropriately. We maintain an "all hands on deck" approach to student achievement.
What are your school’s top two goals for the next year?
In addition to our continuous effort to achieve student excellence, our first goal for next year will be focused on the full implementation of the CHAMPS program and our new PBIS system. This will encompass more student recognition, character education and peer support systems. Our second goal is to continue to explore and implement appropriate curriculum training, supporting quality teacher instruction, that allows our students' continued success.
What is the single most important factor in the success of your school that others could replicate?
The single most important factor in Princeton's success is a collaborative approach to student learning. Collaboration includes keeping data current, relevant and knowing how to use it appropriately. We maintain an "all hands on deck" approach to student achievement. For example, our crossing guards, lunch aides and several volunteers work daily with students on researched based interventions. Most recently Princeton implemented the Check-in/Check-out school-wide system to provide additional positive supports for students in need, both academic and social/emotional. We collaborate often, working as a team to monitor and ensure the success of all students.
Explain how Title I funds are used to support your improvement efforts.
Title I funds are used to provide additional staff within the school. In utilizing our funding, Princeton now employs a full time counselor, math interventionist, reading specialist and math specialist. By adding these members to our team, we are able to monitor specific data more closely. This initiates immediate changes to intervention and instruction as needed, not to mention being able to provide direct support and mentoring to the teaching staff.
Identify the critical professional development activities you use to improve teaching and student learning.
Professional development happens throughout the school year. In addition to full day staff training and curriculum meetings prior to the start of school, bi-monthly staff meetings occur over the course of the year. Those meetings are usually designed as hour long staff trainings and/or PLC meetings focusing directly on student data. Six times throughout the year, those meetings are scheduled in two hour blocks, providing quality time for deeper development and planning. Very often, these meetings are designed at the district level to help guide broader development needs.
Describe how data is used to improve student achievement and inform decision making.
Data is collected regularly from multiple sources including behavioral, NWEA, M-Step, and classroom assessments, which encompass both formative and summative assessment. A data team consisting of several staff members from varying disciplines review this data to determine appropriate interventions to implement. This team meets regularly to analyze current data and interventions to determine if student achievement has improved; interventions are continued or changed to meet the needs of the student. In addition, during staff meetings, grade level teams meet regularly to review data and determine where students may be struggling; determining how to target these specific areas through changes in instruction. Collaboration among the staff occurs regularly to share ideas, while using data to direct instruction.
Describe your school culture and explain changes you’ve taken to improve it.
Princeton Elementary has always prided itself in providing a culture of academic, social and emotional success for our students. In continuing to build a culture of learning for our students, we have remained data driven and focused. In addition, we have implemented several new initiatives to ensure that our vision of a Princeton Elementary being a place for all students to learn and grow is achieved. Some examples of these initiatives include: Good Notes (Staff regularly send a hand written note home to their students recognizing a positive attribution), improving and updating our PBIS program to accommodate our growing student body, creation and fidelity of teamwork through committee's, and additional activities to promote parent involvement in the school.
  • Category 1

    Selected in 2015

  • Grades: k - 5
    School Setting: suburban
    Town Population: 60,070
    Student Enrollment: 540
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 11%
    White/Caucasian: 77%
    Hispanic: 3%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 0%
    Native American: 0%
    Other: 9%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:27
    % Reduced Lunch: 29%
    % ELL Learners: 1%
    Founded: 1957
    Justin Cabe
    20300 Statler Street
    St. Clair Shores, MI 48081