Category 1
Selected in 2012
Grades: k - 5
School Setting: rural
Town Population: 944
Student Enrollment: 238
Student Demographics:
Black/African American: 1%
Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:14
White/Caucasian: 68%
Hispanic: 29%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
Asian: 1%
Native American: 1%
Other: 0%
% Reduced Lunch: 65%
% ELL Learners: 20%
Founded: 1883 -
Gary Bruntz -
415 Main Street
Wiggins, CO 80654
Wiggins Elementary School
Wiggins, CO
We are all pulling together towards a common goal of high achievement for all students. We have grade level team meetings during the teachers common plan times where discussions of meeting students' needs is a primary focus. During this time teachers also discuss exchanging students and changing grouping to best fit their needs.
- Describe specific programs in place to ensure that families are involved in the success of your school and students.
- We feel that getting families involved in their child’s education is a key to a successful school. Some of the programs that encourages involvement are our open houses, literacy nights, grade level news letters, weekly Friday folders, student planners taken home and signed by parents, and parent/teacher conferences. Teachers also make weekly phone calls to parents with positive news about their children. Attendance and participation of all of these is high. We have had 100 percent attendance at parent/teacher conferences before and regularly it’s in the high 90 percent range.
- Describe your philosophy of school change or improvement.
- What I have tried to do is create a teamwork approach throughout the entire school. We are all pulling together towards a common goal of high achievement for all students. We have grade level team meetings during the teachers common plan times where discussions of meeting students’ needs is a primary focus. During this time teachers also discuss exchanging students and changing grouping to best fit their needs.
- What is the single most important factor in the success of your school that others could replicate?
- I believe the single most important factor in our success is the expectations of all of our students by the entire staff at Wiggins Elementary. Every student is expected to achieve at a high level, no excuses. We feel this expectation is passed onto and believed in by the parents of our students as well. The common high expectation by everyone involved in a child’s education has to be a major factor that other schools can replicate.
- Describe the program or initiative that has had the greatest positive effect on student achievement.
- A program that was in effect when I became the principal at Wiggins Elementary was the Reading First model of small group, differentiated instruction. We also progress monitor students continuously and use this data to group the students and drive their instruction. This model also encouraged engagement by every student at all times. It boils down to proven best teaching practices.
- Explain how Title I funds have supported your improvement efforts.
- We use Title 1 funds for our Title teacher and paraprofessionals along with materials and supplies for them. The teacher and paras spend their entire day working with fluid groups of struggling readers and math students.
- Identify the professional development activities you use to improve the teaching portion of the teaching and learning process.
- Most of our professional development focuses on sound teaching practices and proven techniques. These practices ensure engagement by all students at all times. We are also focusing on what needs to be taught and to what depth. With the new Common Core Standards adopted by the state, it is important for our teacher to be honed in on exactly what to teach at each grade level. So knowing what to teach and how to teach it is a focus and goal of our school.
- Describe how data is used to improve student achievement and inform decision making.
- Data examination is a very important part of the Wiggins Elementary program. We have a monthly meeting that includes each grade level team (classroom teachers), the Title teacher, the reading coach, and the principal. Data is examined then instruction and grouping is discussed and put into action by the entire team. Our teachers also use an assessment data warehouse that allows them to have easy access to student data that can drive their instruction.
- Describe your school culture and explain changes you’ve taken to improve it.
- I’m not sure how much that I had to do with the change but I feel the culture of Wiggins Elementary is one of caring for all students. Our teachers work so very, very hard at getting the most out of each and every student. They show so much professionalism that it makes me proud to say that I am associated with their greatness.
Category 1
Selected in 2012
Grades: k - 5
School Setting: rural
Town Population: 944
Student Enrollment: 238
Student Demographics:
Black/African American: 1%
Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:14
White/Caucasian: 68%
Hispanic: 29%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
Asian: 1%
Native American: 1%
Other: 0%
% Reduced Lunch: 65%
% ELL Learners: 20%
Founded: 1883 -
Gary Bruntz -
415 Main Street
Wiggins, CO 80654