The 8th Annual ED Games Expo (All-Virtual) Visit disclaimer page
June 1 to 5, 2021
Welcome to the 8th Annual ED Games Expo, an all-virtual event from June 1 to 5, 2021. The Expo showcases game-changing innovations in education technology (EdTech) that were developed through programs at ED and across government. During the Expo and month of June, educators and students can demo more than 150 education learning games or technologies at no cost. This year the Expo also will present 35 online events across the week featuring an array of government-led EdTech initiatives and projects. Each event is designed for specific audiences that use or are interested in EdTech, including educators, students, parents and caregivers, developers, researchers, and stakeholders across the ecosystem.
To learn more about the full event please visit here: EDGames Expo 2021
Early Childhood and Special Education Showcase featured at this year's ED Games Expo- Game Changing: Technology, Tools, and Supports that Grow with Children and Families Visit disclaimer page
Wednesday, June 2, 2021
1:00pm - 4:15 pm ET
Registration: https://acf-hhs-gov.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_14kHUbnlTMawCfQJ6abZEA Visit disclaimer page
Purpose: The Early Childhood and Special Education joint showcase; Game Changing: Technology Tools and Supports that Grow with Children and Families, will highlight technology tools designed to address the needs of families and students from early childhood through adolescence, with considerations for students with disabilities. This showcase will look at technology barriers and silver linings for some of the hardest groups to provide remote services. Presenters will include federal leadership, technology developers, educators, researchers, families and students. Each presenter has lived experiences and unique viewpoints on meeting individualized needs, health issues, developmental appropriateness, level of disability, and the need for peer interaction in inclusive environments through the use and support of technology.
To learn more, click here: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/ecd/edgames-expo-2021-ecd/osep-showcase