USED & White House
ED announces Well-Rounded Education through Student-Centered Funding Demonstration Grants program

Dear Colleagues,


On May 11, 2020, the U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced a $3 million grant competition to support school districts that build equitable, student-centered funding (SCF) systems under a pilot program authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA).


The Well-Rounded Education through Student-Centered Funding Demonstration Grants program will provide competitive grants to local educational agencies (LEAs) to demonstrate model programs through the development and implementation of SCF systems based on weighted per-pupil allocations under section 1501 of the ESSA. Grants awarded under this program are intended to help build the capacity of LEAs to provide well-rounded education in order to establish models for expanding and enhancing delivery of such opportunities for educationally disadvantaged students. The grants will allow school districts to plan for and implement a funding system that allocates resources, including eligible Federal funds, to schools based on the number of students and the corresponding level of need.


A pre-application webinar will take place Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at 3pm EST. Prospective applicants can register for the webinar using this link:


Applications are due July 10, 2020 at 11:59pm EST. For more information about this grant competition, go to the program website or email


Please share this with colleagues in your LEAs.




Patrick Rooney
Director, School Support & Accountability

About the Author

Patrick Rooney is the Director of two offices--Evidence-Based Practices Assessment and Accountability and School Support and Accountability within ED’s Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Before this recent appointment, Mr. Rooney was the Deputy Director of the Office of State Support.  Prior to joining the Office of State Support, Mr. Rooney worked in the Implementation and Support Unit, where he helped lead the work of the Reform Support Network, providing technical assistance to states implementing comprehensive Race to the Top reforms, and the Race to the Top Assessment program, which provided grants to groups of states to develop new assessments aligned to state’s college- and career-ready standards. Mr. Rooney also worked in the DC Office of State Superintendent of Education, where he was a senior policy advisor and worked on a wide variety of K-12 issues in the District of Columbia.