Dear colleagues,
Please see this note and attached fact sheet that were sent to chief state school officers earlier this afternoon.
Patrick Rooney
Director, School Support & Accountability
From: Honeysett, Adam <Adam.Honeysett@ed.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2020 3:33 PM
Subject: Letter from Assistant Secretary Brogan re: English Learners Fact Sheet
May 19, 2020
Dear Chief State School Officer,
I hope this email finds you safe and in good health. I wanted to let you know that today the U.S. Department of Education (Department) released the attached COVID-19 fact sheet on English learners (ELs). It answers several questions that have been frequently raised by State and local educational agencies in the past few weeks. The fact sheet covers a number of topics, including assessing the needs and progress of ELs, requirements for providing services to ELs, allowable uses of funds, and communicating with parents of ELs. The document is intended to provide useful information regarding the interpretation by the Department of the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements in the context of the specific facts presented and is not intended to establish new requirements or new rights.
If you have general questions regarding COVID-19 and how the Department can best support you, please contact COVID-19@ed.gov. I encourage you to continue to monitor information regarding COVID-19 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/ and our website at www.ed.gov/coronavirus, where this fact sheet is posted. If you have additional questions or comments related to these questions and answers, please contact my team at oese.titleiii-a@ed.gov.
Thank you for your continued commitment to our nation’s students during these extraordinary circumstances.
Frank T. Brogan
Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education
cc: State Title III Directors
State Title I Directors