Participants will have the opportunity to hear from and interact with staff from comprehensive and technical assistance centers, in addition to practitioner partners, about the work they are implementing around research-informed practices for students designated as English learners, including students with disabilities. Participants will learn how MTSS provides focused support for students designated as English learners with or without disabilities in school-level implementation and examine ways to move toward more equitable research-informed practices. Participants will hear from collaborators representing the Region 13 Comprehensive Center and the NMPED about the process for creating the NMPED’s Practitioner’s Guide for Serving English Learners with Disabilities.

Kirsi Laine is the Deputy Director of the Language and Culture Division at the New Mexico Public Education Department. She supports initiatives for identifying and serving English learners with disabilities.
Dr. Jamey Burho is a Senior Research Associate in English Learners and Special Education at WestEd. Her work focuses on services for students who are dually identified as English learners with disabilities.
Alexandria Harvey supports the National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI) in topics around equity, race, and disability, in addition to projects supporting culturally responsive and sustaining practices. Additionally, Alexandria has experience providing technical assistance and professional development supporting students with disabilities by building the capacity of state education agencies, institutes of higher education, local education agencies, and other stakeholders to reform teacher and leader preparation programs.
Dr. Julia Esparza Brown is a professor in the Department of Special Education at Portland State University. Her teaching, research, and publications focus broadly on the intersection of language, dis/ability, race, and culture, and she is a passionate advocate for equity in education.