int(9) int(8) ESEA Video On Demand National ESEA Association
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62 : 36
Equity and Improved Student Learning Outcomes for All

For all the talk about the importance of more equitable learning outcomes in our schools, we continue to use a curriculum-driven one-size-fits-all education system that produces far too many non-proficient learners. In the age of information and innovation, poor learning outcomes affect kids for life, and disproportionately impact poor and minority students. This is a fixable problem, but only if we take an honest look at why our existing systems continue to produce lousy learning outcomes and dis-equity. Four crucial reforms will be highlighted in this presentation: We can replace the one-size-fits-all curriculum model for personalized competency based learning. We can allocate resources based on student need. We can develop and offer high quality pre-K experiences. And we can strengthen family support services to families in need. In this presentation, participants will be challenged to create a model for learning systems that will create better learning outcomes for all.


This talk was presented at:
2024 National ESEA Conference
February 2024 in Portland, OR
For more information:
Bob Sornson

Bob Sornson is the founder of the Early Learning Foundation, and has worked to improve learning outcomes for young children for more than forty years. He is a voice for teaching kids respectfully, at their level of readiness, and as long as needed to achieve true competency in essential knowledge and skills. Bob is the author of numerous professional publications, including Over-Tested and Under-Prepared: Using Competency Based Learning to Transform Our Schools, Essential Math Activities, Brainless Sameness, Fanatically Formative, Teaching and Joy, Preventing Early Learning Failure. Bob's children's books on bullying and empathy have become national best-sellers and award winners. They include: The Juice Box Bully, Stand in My Shoes, Grumpy or Grateful, Eli and Ozzy, and Wrapped in Kindness.