We will share lessons we learned through our work in California, in several Oklahoma school districts, and as a result of the 2020-21 global pandemic related to implementing a fully integrated Multi-Tiered System of Support, with a focus on evidence-based social and emotional curriculum and practices to ensure each and every student has the support they need to learn. This workshop will provide the blueprint for the navigation of a Multi-Tiered System of Support using the “Load Bearing Walls” of Teaming, Data, Evidence-based Practices and Continuous Improvement Cycles.
Dr. Dunn has over two decades of experience working in the public education system. She has worked in school districts across Minnesota and South Carolina as a school psychologist, district RTI Coordinator, and district MTSS Coordinator. She recently earned her Ph.D. in Special Education at Clemson University, where her research focused on social emotional learning within a tiered system of supports.
Dr. Amy Jablonski has spent her career working in public schools. Amy has served as a classroom teacher, school administrator and district administrator before moving into statewide leadership roles in North Carolina. Amy now works at the national level to support equitable public educational innovations and supports. Over the years, she has facilitated the implementation of evidenced based Social Emotional Learning practices at all levels of education which has resulted in exceptional gains for all students in academics, behavior, and post secondary outcomes.
Dr. Maura Hart has been leading schools, districts and states in the implementation of systems -wide initiatives to improve equitable access to student learning for the past 20+ years. She began teaching at the middle and high school level and has been implementing evidence-based Social Emotional Learning practices in her teaching, facilitation, coaching and consulting work since then.