Join the Department’s Office of Program and Grantee Support Services and staff from the National Comprehensive Center for a conversation on the Department’s COVID response and learning recovery effort. The conversation will lift up practices shared through the National Comprehensive Center’s Evidence-Based Interventions: Using ARP Resources to Accelerate Learning Community of Practice (EBI-ARP CoP). States that participated in the first year of the EBI-ARP CoP will share State Educational Agency-level processes they developed to help Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) effectively spend the local 20% set-aside for learning acceleration. For example, attendees will learn about how SEAs worked collaboratively with LEAs to review local data and reassess initial ARP expenditures as well as select and monitor evidence-based interventions. We hope you can join us!

Dr. Richard Lewis is the American Rescue Plan Program Administrator in the Office of Learning Recovery and Acceleration at the NC Department of Public Instruction. Dr. Lewis supports the Deputy Director as well as fellow members of the OLR team with observations of best practices, ESSER programming, and initiatives.
Danielle Netzer is a member of the Wyoming Department of Education's COVID Support Team. Currently, she manages the ARP ESSER grants for the Department. A former educator, she has taught various literature courses at Penn State University as part of the MA/PhD program specializing Medieval Literature.
Elisabeth Lembo is an Education Program Specialist in the Office of Program and Grantee Support Services at the US Department of Education. Currently, she focuses on organizing and implementing technical assistance initiatives for the American Rescue Plan COVID-19 response and recovery package. A former 2nd grade teacher in Duncan, Mississippi and Harlem, New York, Ms. Lembo holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Government from Georgetown University and a Master of Public Administration degree from Cornell University.
Dr. Monique Sullivan is an experienced educator with over 20 years in public education as both a classroom teacher and school administrator spanning grades Pk-12, including urban and rural settings. Currently, she serves as the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Coordinator for the Maine Department of Education where she oversees Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) and Homeless Children and Youth (HCY) funds. Prior roles at the Maine DOE include Title I Program Coordinator, Constituent and Legislative Specialist, and ESEA Regional Manager.
Lynne Barbour previously served as the Deputy Director for the Office of Learning Recovery and Acceleration which serves public schools, including charter schools, by providing research, evaluation, and technical expertise to assist in the development and deployment of ESSER-funded evidence-based interventions. The OLR team focuses on deploying consultative supports for effective spending strategies for local ARP 20% set-asides. Lynne is a product of the Indiana public education system and is a proud parent to two wonderful children in the North Carolina public school system.
Dr. Jill Lammert is a Principal Research Associate at Westat and is Co-Director of the National Comprehensive Center and of the Center to Improve Program and Project Performance, both funded by the U.S. Department of Education. In these roles, she supports states, districts and other stakeholders to tackle challenging problems facing the education system, deliver and evaluate the impact of high-quality education programs and services, and improve student outcomes.