Yes, leadership can make a big difference in student learning outcomes. Yes, decades of research have highlighted many influential leadership attributes and behaviors. Yes, leadership preparation programs have emphasized these attributes and behaviors for years. So why is it that social and academic outcomes for students of color, students who meet low-income criteria, and many other diverse groups continue to lag far behind outcomes for other students? This presentation will focus specifically on what leaders do in typical schools where students of color and other diverse groups achieve remarkable outcomes. In a frank presentation, with many specific examples from award-winning elementary, middle, and high schools, this session will highlight leadership nuances that are rarely discussed, yet make a powerful difference in the social and academic success of students of color and students who meet low-income criteria.
Meet the Author
Saturday, February 10 from 11:15am - 11:45am Pacific
Joseph Johnson will be greeting in-person attendees at the "Meet the Author" counter in the Portland Ballroom lobby on Level 2.

For over 20 years, Dr. Johnson has studied typical public schools that serve low-income communities and generate outstanding academic results for all demographic groups. He has been a teacher, school and district administrator, state department and USDE official, researcher, professor, and education dean.