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Tutoring: The Simple But Complicated Response to Lost Learning

To address the substantial learning loss caused by the pandemic, policymakers recognized high dosage tutoring as a viable option to aid in learning recovery. While many states and districts decided to use pandemic relief funds for tutoring, they also faced challenges in implementing evidence-informed tutoring programs—challenges such as staffing, intensity, and scheduling. The good news is that educators have been experimenting with and evaluating variations in tutoring models. This session will highlight emerging research about various approaches to tutoring, including lessons learned from states that are implementing large-scale tutoring initiatives. We’ll also share updates about related acceleration strategies, including implementation of high-quality instructional materials, grade-level assignments, just-in-time interventions, and extended learning.

This talk was presented at:
2024 National ESEA Conference
February 2024 in Portland, OR
For more information:
Tracie Jones

Dr. Tracie Jones is the Co-Project Manager with the Arkansas Tutoring Corps and the Director of the Office of Education Renewal Zone at the University of Arkansas at Monticello. The Arkansas Tutoring Corps is a statewide tutoring project focused on K-8 support for students. The legislation guides we provide training to develop a bank of qualified and certified tutors across the state. Currently, there are over 900 active tutors in the program and growing monthly. She has been in 30 years of education experience in the elementary classroom, central office professional development support, university instructor, and providing statewide curriculum support in my current position. Her expertise and love are focused around curriculum, instruction, and professional development support.

Sherelle Foust

Sherelle worked in public education for over 20 years with varied positions from the classroom to central office. She is currently a Sr. Study Director for Westat and an Effective Instruction Portfolio Manager for the Region 14 Comprehensive Center. She served as project lead for a state education agency implementing an accelerated learning initiative. Sherelle also serves on the National Comprehensive Center Accelerated work group – representing Region 14 Comprehensive Center, collaborating to facilitate a Topical Action Network among state education agency leaders focused on accelerated learning to discuss high-quality content for professional development, strategies to scale training, and strategies to monitor implementation and fidelity of instruction.

Jacob Williams

Dr. Williams is an experienced educational leader who supports program evaluation and provides training, coaching, and capacity-building services to state education agencies, school districts, and schools on various policy, program, and practice issues. He works to ensure partners find evidence-based solutions to meet the needs of students who have previously been underserved.

Chris Dwyer

For the National Comprehensive Center, Chris leads the Accelerated Learning work group and co-leads a community of practice on equity and school improvement. Through her work group role, she has engaged experts in various approaches to learning recovery to engage with state education agency staff and developed products to further the work. Her focus for three decades has been on applying research to practice to improve instruction.