A Gift, Not a Mandate: Using ESSA-Proven Programs to Narrow Achievement Gaps
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When I was young, I had a job delivering Sears Catalogues. People were so excited to get them! Today, educational leaders have a “book of wonders” of their own: All the programs that meet the ESSA requirements for evidence of effectiveness, conveniently described in free websites. Yet all too many schools see the ESSA-proven programs as just another mandate, not as the gift they are for schools focused on improving learning for struggling readers. This presentation describes programs proven effective in reading and math, to help Title I directors, district leaders, and principals learn about and select proven programs capable of helping struggling students make substantial gains in learning. Examples include: • Cost-effective tutoring in reading and math • Proven whole-school reforms • Proven cooperative learning approaches • Proven classroom management approaches • Proven attendance approaches • Proven social-emotional approaches