Disengaged Families: How They Got There and How to Get Them Back!
WATCH THE VIDEO (Video On Demand subscription required)
Family disengagement with their child's school is directly connected to students who struggle in school. To achieve the equity we desire, families cannot be left out of the equation. But the question becomes how? Do school staff have the knowledge, skills and efficacy necessary to re-engage those families? Join international family engagement expert and popular conference presenter Dr. Steve Constantino as he shares the process of disengagement and what we know about the reasons disengagement occurs, many of which stem from school or district policies, practices and/or procedures. A framework and strategies will be provided to understand family disengagement and how to reverse the course through explicit action. Numerous ideas, strategies and suggestions will be shared to stimulate thinking in schools about how to reframe policies, procedures and practices that encourage engagement, trust and relationships which lead to better learning outcomes for all students. Don't miss this one!
Tuesday, February 4: Steve Constantino will be signing copies of his book outside room A308, beginning at 4:30pm.