Evidence Based Practices 101 - The Basics
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ESSA requires that school systems vet the efficacy of programs supported with federal funds. As educational practitioners, researching the strength of interventions on student growth can be daunting. Therefore, Evidence-Based Practices 101- The Basics aims to demystify the process in the areas of: • identifying critical issues • researching effective interventions • budgeting for significantly impactful interventions • monitoring student progress • modifying the implementation of ineffective interventions The learning targets are to introduce a practical, boots on the ground approach to: • Knowing ESSA regulations regarding EBP • Identifying the four tiers of EBP • Identifying the challenges of researching the four tiers • Demystifying the identification of the four tiers • Finding the research informing of the strength of programs • Providing examples of tools to monitor the efficacy of the intervention • Using implementation fidelity checks
Download Session Materials
- Evidence Based Practice Monitoring Log Performance Review 3- ABC Elementary.pdf
- Evidence Based Intervention Log Sample FY20.pdf
- CCS FY19 Repository.pdf
- Evidence Based Intervention Log Sample FY20.pdf
- Evidence Based Practices 101- The Basics 2-8-20.ppt