For the Greater Good: Collaboration as a Tool to Improve Language and Literacy
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We know that teachers teach literacy, and we know that Speech Language Pathologists (SLP's) are experts in language, yet the two often work in isolation of one another, even-though the skills of language and literacy are closely intertwined. Best practices show that collaboration between disciplines is best for our students but do we know how to collaborate or what constitutes a language and literacy rich classroom? Following current research and professional expertise, this Speech-Language Pathologist will provide information on how to collaborate between disciplines to improve language and literacy for all students beyond a single setting. This information will help illuminate how we can all work together and why it is important. For the Greater Good allows teachers and the administration team to gain a fresh look at the tools they already have to improve the language and literacy outcomes for all their students, not only in the classroom or the therapy room, but beyond.
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