Ordinary Districts Getting Extraordinary Results
WATCH THE VIDEO (Video On Demand subscription required)
School districts are "large amoeba that move and have interlocking parts," in the words of the superintendent of a high-performing high-poverty rural district. Such complexity makes district improvement difficult. But districts that have improved can help us understand those interlocking parts and what role they have in making schools work better for students in different kinds of contexts -- rural, urban, and suburban. In this presentation, you will hear how school and district leaders who have led improvement talk about the kinds of systems and structures that support instructional improvement. This presentation represents an extension of 15 years of work learning from high-performing and rapidly improving schools and districts that serve students of color and students from low-income homes.
Tuesday, February 4: Karin Chenoweth will be signing copies of her book outside room A308, beginning at 5:00pm.