Retaining and Supporting Teachers While Building a Culture of Excellence
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Most Title I schools have a hard time attracting and maintaining quality teachers. They also struggle to support and nurture the teachers currently within the school. Efforts to solve these staffing problems have focused primarily on recruiting promising teachers into high-poverty schools, often with little attention to systematically supporting and retaining them once they are there. The Academy for Leadership at Millcreek has built an in-house sustainable system to hire, support, and maintain quality teachers with a strong support system to guide them along the way. From the interview process to new teacher induction, or from instructional planning to instructional rounds; this system is supported with research based strategies for coaching and supporting both novice and veteran teachers.
Wednesday, February 5: Greg Ross and Laura McCullough will be signing copies of their book outside room A308, beginning at 12:15pm.
Download Session Materials
- ESEA Conference Presentation 2020-1.pptx
- Instructional Coaching Handbook 2019-20-2.pdf
- Effective Teaching Rubric 19-20-1.docx