Shoring up the Foundation: Using PBL as a Scaffold to Level the Academic Playing Field
WATCH THE VIDEO (Video On Demand subscription required)
Are you at a loss for interventions to address your students’ individual learning needs? Do you need ways to optimize their learning? In this interactive (BYOD) workshop, participants will learn strategies to meet students where they are academically. We will explore an array of instructional practices to level the academic playing field and provide ALL students with ACCESS to the curriculum. Using a hands-on PBL case, attendees will walk away with tools for tiered support and practical skills for teaching students how to effectively collaborate as well as help themselves throughout the learning process while solving a real-world problem. This session will provide professional learning for teachers, administrators, and district leaders, alike.
Download Session Materials
- 1_PBL Framework (1).pdf
- acadvocab_affix orga.pdf
- acadvocab_Anchor word.pdf
- acadvocab_Anchor words Regional Term_what I call it.pdf
- acadvocab_memory box.pdf
- grouping_number shape and color grouping.pdf
- PBL and General Resources .pdf
- PUFF MOBILE Lab.docx.pdf
- The Fast and the Furious Rubric.docx.pdf
- Rubber Band MOBILE Lab (1).pdf
- Balloon MOBILE Lab.pdf
- Cruise Control Scene 1 with Blank Box Chart.pdf