STEM 4 ALL! Equity in Access
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The STEM Academy at the Academies at Jonesboro High School in Jonesboro, Arkansas is a National Career Academy Coalition (NCAC) Model Academy. In 2013, the STEM Academy had 173 students in a school of over 1,200 (now 1,500). Minority and female representation was low with both groups accounting for less than 15%. This mirrored the national trend in STEM. STEM administration, faculty, and staff set out to change these troubling numbers. They identified minority and female students and exposed them to the benefits of STEM and STEM careers. They started a “Girls in Stem” initiative and developed partnerships with businesses in the community to actively recruit STEM Academy students post high school and college. They won grants to fund opportunities for STEM students to spend time on college campuses in STEM camps. By creating a culture of continued support and encouragement, within two years, the STEM Academy grew to over 400 students, including almost 40% minority and 35% female.
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