Trauma and the Brain: Moving Students from Surviving to Thriving
WATCH THE VIDEO (Video On Demand subscription required)
“Trauma Informed Teaching: Moving Students from Surviving to Thriving” is designed to extend participants’ understanding of the impact of trauma and poverty on the brain and on pupil behavior and decision-making processes. The motivational lecture applies critical brain research on ACE: Adverse Childhood Experiences to instruction and school culture. Trauma and stress affect a child’s brain in unique ways. Amygdala, located on each side of the cortex turn on and effectively shut down critical and creative thinking, making teaching and learning difficult if not impossible. In the session, Dr Bone will explain the trajectory of trauma, poverty, and residual stress and help teachers understand students ‘ behavior, anxiety, and decisions in the light of childhood trauma. More importantly, participants will identify a menu of instructional and behavior management strategies that more effectively address the impacts of trauma and help students regain a healthy perspective.
Tuesday, February 4: Linda Bone will be signing copies of her book outside room A308, beginning at 12:30pm.
Download Session Materials
- Bio-Dr. B.pdf
- The Trauma Informed Classroom 2020 Keynote.pdf
- Brain Surgery Inside Out.pdf
- Inspiration for Times of Desperation teacgers.pdf
- I See You Teachers.pdf
- c_titlei_sched_files_handouts_Opening the Little Boxes in Our Minds ADK 2020.pdf
- family Friendly Brain Recipes.pdf