What If? Three Teacher Choices That Change Outcomes for Under-Resourced Learners
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Limited access to resources can impact school and life success, but what can happen if educators use the science of learning to inform practices and policies? What if educators view students through a lens of success and possibility? What if educators understand the implications of struggles often faced by under-resourced families and recognize the importance and urgency of every action? What if educators shift actions to accommodate for absent resources? Explore the three teacher choices made every minute of every day around content, behavior, and pedagogy, and consider how those choices change the trajectory for under-resourced (and all!) students. Learn how a project grounded in neuroscience employs teacher-driven and sustained action research to strategically apply best practices with under-served populations. Take away a handbook of 25 practices used to elevate a school ESEA grade from ‘F’ to ‘A’ and EVAAS growth measure from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) in only one year.
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