Whole Child, Whole School, Whole Community: From Student Voice Through Wraparound Services
What happens when early warning systems point to barriers outside of the school’s control? How do teachers, principals, and school districts address issues of transiency, family changes, poverty, trauma, immigration, addiction, mental, emotional, social, and physical health? Teachers, principals, and more importantly, students, know external factors get in the way of student learning, but don't know what to do about them. In this session, you will learn how schools and districts are leveraging community partnerships, as well as, state and federal resources, to holistically meet the family, social & emotional, and academic needs of their students. By empowering the voice of students and coaching districts on how to provide students and families with integrated and coordinated wraparound services, Leigh Colburn and The Centergy Project are revolutionizing student support within the public education system.