You Can't Get to Blooms Without Maslow: Emotions are the Fast Lane to the Brain
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You can't read a book and run from a lion at the same time. The emotional state of students dictates thoughts, decisions, effort and behavior. Under-resourced youth are struggling with a barrage of toxic environmental challenges at home that can have a huge impact on how they feel walking into school. Supportive school climates that put kids before content see improved emotional states of mind allowing for the motivational on-switch to flip. Before educators can ever hope to engage in high quality instruction, students have to feel connected and emotionally safe in order for cortisol levels to decrease, leading to increased focus, attention and cognition. This session will explore the: *Critical role emotions play in learning *How connections play a powerful role in moving the academic needle *Major components of trauma informed schools culture/climate *Biological/Neurological impact of chronic, toxic stress and proven protective factors that can override the negative impacts.
Friday, February 7: Tara Brown will be signing copies of her book outside room A308, beginning at 11:30am.
Download Session Materials
- 10CrucialThings.pdf
- 20 Facts about Stress Trauma The Brain.pdf
- Emotions Quotes.pdf
- 10 DOPAMINE FACTS copy.pdf