Molly Faulkner-Bond
Molly Faulkner-Bond is a national leader in English learner policies, programs, and research. She currently leads several multi-state initiatives focused on English learners, including a 30-state study of entrance and exit policies, and a cross-REL working group on multi-language, bilingual, and heritage language learners. She has collaborated with SEAs across the country to support them in evaluating, implementing, and updating or changing state-level English learner policies related to language instruction, reclassification, and assessment implementation. She currently leads multiple federally funded research grants and contracts focused on English learners, and also regularly contributes products, thought partnership, and technical advising to various federally-funded national centers including Regional Educational Laboratories, Regional Comprehensive Centers, the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition, the National Charter School Resource Center, and the National Research & Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners.