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Our mission is to improve instruction for every student in every school. LearnPhase has been providing educational consulting to schools for over 10 years.

As an experienced educator with a passion for instructional coaching, Felicia has dedicated her career to improving instructional practice. She knows that this is the key to improving student outcomes.

Vince has been a software engineer programming for over 20 years in the fields of finance, psychometrics, logistics and eCommerce. Teaming with Vince to transform the processes Felicia developed into software applications defines LearnPhase.

CoachUp is LearnPhase suite of instructional observational tools designed for the principal and instructional coach. CoachUp tools support observation of instructional strategies demonstrated to increase student achievement. CoachUp data entry is fast with immediate report access, so you can move on to the best part of the coaching cycle. Let the data to the talking! CoachUp reports break down observations giving you quick and useful analysis.

Observe how the Coaching Console provides one-on-one collaboration with teachers
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