Marshall Cavendish Education
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Marshall Cavendish Education (MCE) is the authentic provider of Singapore Math® educational solutions. As the publisher of textbooks Math in Focus®, and Primary Mathematics, and provider of digital tools Math Buddies, and Math On, MCE is revolutionizing learning and teaching in the U.S. with the Singapore Math® Approach. The Singapore Math® Approach is the methodology by which students are able to develop critical thinking and mathematical mastery of their coursework. The approach is anchored by a five-pronged approach using a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract learning method in which lessons are taught through scaffolding and students learn how to problem solve with perseverance. This method also enables teachers to convey math concepts progressively from introduction to understanding to fluency. It is where content meets pedagogy.

Our solutions are used in over 50 countries by educators and students. Visit to learn more.
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