Welcome to the 8th Annual ED Games Expo, an all-virtual event from June 1 to 5, 2021. The Expo showcases game-changing innovations in educatio...
Department launches $600,000 competition to advance student-centered technology education
As part of her continuing charge to state and local education leaders to rethink school, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced today a...
Dear K-12 education stakeholders,
Please join U.S. Department of Education Assistant Secretary of the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Frank Brogan, as he leads a panel discussion on the use of technology to support meaningf...
Ramsey Musallam is a chemistry teacher at Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep School in San Francisco. His mission is "to meaningfully integrate multimedia into a hands-on, inquiry-based learning cycle" and to empower other educators to do the sam...
Ted McCain is Associate Director for Canada with The Thornburg Center. He is the author of "Teaching for Tomorrow," "Living on the Future Edge," and "Understanding the Digital Generation."
As a renowned futurist as well as a practicing te...
Technology expert Ian Jukes says that students today really are different from those of past generations because of their exposure to digital technology. He calls for a serious change in the way schools think about engaging students and us...