• Category 1

    Selected in 2014

  • Grades: 7 - 12
    School Setting: rural
    Town Population: 234
    Student Enrollment: 307
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 79.5%
    White/Caucasian: 18.5%
    Hispanic: 1.3%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 0.7%
    Native American: 0%
    Other: 0%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:13
    % Reduced Lunch: 100%
    % ELL Learners: 0%
    Founded: 1951
    Sylvia Hall
    891 Bass Burkett Road
    Bassfield, MS 39421
Bassfield High
Bassfield, MS
Describe specific programs in place to ensure that families are involved in the success of your school and students.
Each year we plan three specific family nights geared toward parental involvement and state tested areas. We have Family Math Night, Family Reading Night, and Family Science Night. Each night revolves around fun activities for all ages. We have the area colleges and business participate in order to increase community interest. We have a wide range of activities planned so as to appeal to everyone.
Describe the most successful activity your school has initiated to strengthen ties to your community.
We participate in and conduct regular Planning Team/Advisory Committee meetings. The committee is made up of community leaders, parents, faculty members, and students. The purpose of this committee is to integrate the community into the day to day activities of the school. We use this opportunity to brainstorm ideas for improving student achievement and increasing parental involvement.
What are your school’s top two goals for the next year?
Our top two goals for the next school year are to improve literacy across the curriculum and decrease discipline referrals.
Describe how data is used to improve student achievement and inform decision making.
Teachers use data derived from classroom test tallies, district assessments, and state tests for instructional planning. State tests, district assessments, and MAP results are correlated and presented to the entire staff.The school looks at this data presented by data consultants to plan for remediation. We implement remediation through in-school and after-school tutorials.
  • Category 1

    Selected in 2014

  • Grades: 7 - 12
    School Setting: rural
    Town Population: 234
    Student Enrollment: 307
    Student Demographics:

    Black/African American: 79.5%
    White/Caucasian: 18.5%
    Hispanic: 1.3%
    Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
    Asian: 0.7%
    Native American: 0%
    Other: 0%

    Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:13
    % Reduced Lunch: 100%
    % ELL Learners: 0%
    Founded: 1951
    Sylvia Hall
    891 Bass Burkett Road
    Bassfield, MS 39421