Category 1
Selected in 2012
Grades: k - 8
School Setting: urban
Town Population: 0
Student Enrollment: 538
Student Demographics:
Black/African American: 17%
Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:30
White/Caucasian: 35%
Hispanic: 20%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 2%
Asian: 24%
Native American: 2%
Other: 0%
% Reduced Lunch: 56%
% ELL Learners: 5%
Founded: 1899 -
John Oconnell -
533 W 27TH ST
Chicago, IL 60616
Sheridan Elem Math & Science Academy
Chicago, IL
One way that we use data is directly tied to the students daily math and reading instruction. We divided the school year up into three-week units that are broken down into very specific skills, such as Number Sense or Reading Comprehension. We use current data from the NWEA online test that is specific to each child and we group him/her according to his/ her specific academic needs. During the last period of each school day, the students rotate within these groups to an assigned location within the school building to engage in small group instruction. During this time, the teachers and staff that are assigned to each group, instruct the students by using targeted curricula that provides interactive, challenging, and engaging activities.
- What is the single most important factor in the success of your school that others could replicate?
- Our success is possible because of our amazing team. The teachers, staff, students and parents all play an important role in the success of the child. It starts with communicaiton and continues with all stakeholders putting our words into action. Our children are the best investment we have for the future. It is important to recognize that our work is never done and that there is no finish line. Our team is dedicated. They persevere, and they are open to growth professionally and personally.
- Describe the program or initiative that has had the greatest positive effect on student achievement.
- Our anti-bullying program is integral to the success of our students. Our trained teachers and staff, as well as our students, employ various strategies that contribute to our “Bully-free” environment. In order to maximize learning, students need to be in a safe environment where they feel supported. Through our anti-bullying program, we are able to provide an environment that fosters academic growth and achievement.
- Explain how Title I funds have supported your improvement efforts.
- Title I funds have been used to purchase additional positions so that we can provide remediation and enrichment support to our students. By acquiring additional personnel, we have been able to create flexible groups that provide a more strategic focus on specific skills so that all students can grow. Additionally, we have been able to offer a variety of workshops for parents to provide them with strategies on how to better support their child in their academics.
- Identify the professional development activities you use to improve the teaching portion of the teaching and learning process.
- Professional Development is a key factor in the success of our school. The teachers meet regularly to analyze data, as well as to share best practices with each other. Additionally, our teachers recognize the value of professional growth. We set aside funding every year so that we may send our teachers to workshops and conferences that may enhance their professional growth.
- Describe how data is used to improve student achievement and inform decision making.
- One way that we use data is directly tied to the students daily math and reading instruction. We divided the school year up into three-week units that are broken down into very specific skills, such as Number Sense or Reading Comprehension. We use current data from the NWEA online test that is specific to each child and we group him/her according to his/ her specific academic needs. During the last period of each school day, the students rotate within these groups to an assigned location within the school building to engage in small group instruction. During this time, the teachers and staff that are assigned to each group, instruct the students by using targeted curricula that provides interactive, challenging, and engaging activities. Students in these groups are exposed to curriculum that is directly aligned with what they specifically need in order to grow academically. These groups are helping to build stronger academic foundation for each child, as well as creating an extended learning community within our school. One of the many values of these ever-changing flexible groups is that it allows for the students to work with students outside of their grade levels, as well as provides them opportunities to learn under various teachers and staff with different styles of teaching.
Category 1
Selected in 2012
Grades: k - 8
School Setting: urban
Town Population: 0
Student Enrollment: 538
Student Demographics:
Black/African American: 17%
Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:30
White/Caucasian: 35%
Hispanic: 20%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 2%
Asian: 24%
Native American: 2%
Other: 0%
% Reduced Lunch: 56%
% ELL Learners: 5%
Founded: 1899 -
John Oconnell -
533 W 27TH ST
Chicago, IL 60616