Category 2
Selected in 2013
Grades: pre k - 8
School Setting: urban
Town Population: 150
Student Enrollment: 661
Student Demographics:
Black/African American: 6%
Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:19
White/Caucasian: 92%
Hispanic: 1%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
Asian: 1%
Native American: 0%
Other: 0%
% Reduced Lunch: 63%
% ELL Learners: 1%
Founded: 1903 -
Mr. Kelly Lambert -
8 Burborne Street
Brooklyn, MS 39425
South Forrest Attendance Center
Brooklyn, MS
Teamwork - We believe in professional learning communities. We meet twice a week in grade level teams, once a month in content areas, and once a month in district level teams. In these meetings we speak about instructional strategies that are most effective, and student performance.
- Describe specific programs in place to ensure that families are involved in the success of your school and students.
"Together Tuesdays"
Semesterly Family Nights
Weekly Call-Outs informing the community of that weeks events
Teacher Newsletters - Describe the most successful activity your school has initiated to strengthen ties to your community.
- Teamwork - We believe in professional learning communities. We meet twice a week in grade level teams, once a month in content areas, and once a month in district level teams. These meetings we speak about instructional strategies that are most effective, and we speak about student performance
- Describe your philosophy of school change or improvement.
Student Growth is Pivotal!!!
Our mission is to see our students become leaders in the community. We want them to be Successful, Flourish, Achieve, and be Challenged.
What I do as a leader is cast vision, be consistent at upholding our ideals, and inspecting what is expected. - What are your school’s top two goals for the next year?
Reading proficiency to increase 14%
Math proficiency to increase 10%
Establish a self-sustaining system of teamwork focused on growth - What is the single most important factor in the success of your school that others could replicate?
Professional Learning Communities
- Describe the program or initiative that has had the greatest positive effect on student achievement, including closing achievement or opportunity gaps, if applicable.
Incorporating the most effective instructional strategies with our teachers using the Hunter Model of Effective Instruction
P.B.I.S (Positive Behavior Initiative System). This initiative has help us increase classroom time, and provide for us a foundation of positive behavior.
Capturing Kids Hearts - This initiative is new this year, but we have seen hugh gains in self-management with our students and productivity from our teachers. - Explain how Title I funds are used to support your improvement efforts.
Helping us increase our Technology on campus
Activate Parent Involvement with the Parent Advisor
Tutorial Services - In-School and After-School
Early Childhood Parent Education (2013-2014) "G.R.A.C.E Learning Center"
Targeted Instructional Supplies for additional support - Identify the critical professional development activities you use to improve teaching and student learning.
- Establish teams, communication, and focusing on being student centered.
- Describe how data is used to improve student achievement and inform decision making.
We create academic growth goal plans that focus on student achievement. The plans focus our attention on student performance and instructional interventions that best meet the needs of our students
We utilize student data books and have conferences with students about their performance and set goals with the students
We universally screen students through NWEA (MAP) Assessments 3 times a year.
Use of formative assessments are promoted at South Forrest to also gauge student performance on a daily bases. - Describe your school culture and explain changes you’ve taken to improve it.
- We are a warm and friendly campus. We have adopted the Capturing Kids Hearts methodology in making sure we are caring for each other, our students, community, and teaching self-managing techniques to our students.
Category 2
Selected in 2013
Grades: pre k - 8
School Setting: urban
Town Population: 150
Student Enrollment: 661
Student Demographics:
Black/African American: 6%
Teacher/Student Ratio: 1:19
White/Caucasian: 92%
Hispanic: 1%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0%
Asian: 1%
Native American: 0%
Other: 0%
% Reduced Lunch: 63%
% ELL Learners: 1%
Founded: 1903 -
Mr. Kelly Lambert -
8 Burborne Street
Brooklyn, MS 39425