In a joint effort, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a new guidance document for schools on requirements when using Title I funds for preschool programs. The Departments encouraged schools to use this document along with updated Title I preschool guidance released in February of this year together to begin budget planning for the 2025-26 school year.
HHS awards grants to local educational agencies (LEAs), schools, and other public and private agencies to implement Head Start programs. LEAs can also use Title I funds to support those preschool programs. The previous February Dear Colleague Letter addressed ways LEAs can partner with other programs to leverage Title I funds and support preschool programs.
In the guidance document released this week, ED and HHS remind schools and LEAs that preschool programs supported by Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title I, Part A funds must comply with a subset of the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS). The HSPPS, found at 45 C.F.R. §§ 1301-1305, are a set of regulations that cover program, financial, and administrative operations that Head Start programs must follow.
The guidance document covers various elements of Part 1302 Subpart C of the HSPPS. In Section I, the guidance covers the standards for teaching practices, curricula, assessments, and parent and family engagement. Section II covers the regulations surrounding specific student groups, including dual language learners and Tribal children. The guidance summarizes the relevant provisions of the regulations and provides best practices for schools and LEAs.
The Agencies provided the guidance to offer clarification on the existing requirements for preschool programs.