Explore the possibilities of building meaningful connections with families! Interact with equitable, inclusive, & practical strategies that open endless ways to make family connections possible! With 250,000+ parent graduates, Family Leadership’s bilingual leadership development workshops & professional learning series for staff & parents produces strong family-school partnerships. We will demonstrate capacity-building practices that are manageable, transferable, & move parents from Spectators to Team Players! *Explore best practices of districts nationally with dynamic Family-School partnerships. *Experience core parenting practices that are linked to learning, collaboration, & build leadership capacity! *Engage with Family Leadership’s proven model through ‘hands on’ demonstrations from our workshop offerings. Entertaining, interactive and practical, this session delivers key strategies and practical resources for boosting student achievement through parent engagement!

Daniel Bunker is passionate about equipping parents, educators and administrators with powerful tools for dealing with social, emotional and behavioral challenges. He is the author of the Calm and Kind Family curriculum, which focuses on compassion, connection, and pro-active strategies for parents and kids. He is also a National Trainer and popular Conference presenter. Daniel’s motivation for developing Calm and Kind Family stems from his experience as a foster and adoptive parent. His extensive training in brain-based & trauma-informed strategies and his experience as a counselor/mentor to families dealing with difficult challenges inspired the curriculum. Daniel and his wife, Whitney, co-founded the non-profit City Without Orphans. Together they have facilitated professional development and parenting workshops for, and provided support to, thousands of foster and adoptive families. Daniel is the VP of District Partnerships for Family Leadership.
Alejandro Vidal is an experienced trainer, facilitator and engaging presenter. His highly energetic style makes him a favorite for corporate trainings, district presentations, facilitated workshops and leadership events. His passion for families and relational talent has resulted in him being chosen as the officiant at thirty weddings! He brings his expertise in building healthy teams and fostering community connections to his role as the director for family and community engagement with Family Leadership.
Patty Bunker is the National Director of Parent Engagement and Training for Family Leadership, Inc. She is the co-author of two best-selling parenting books and lead trainer of Parenting Partners™, a family engagement model used by 100’s of districts nationally. She has trained more than 5,000 school-based trainers in the Parenting Partners model, which has produced over 250,000 parent leaders. She has over 20 years of experience as a Family Therapist, University professor & popular keynote/workshop speaker for National, Title I, and State Educator and Parent Engagement conferences. She and her husband David have two grown children and she loves being 'Gaga" to their four amazing grandchildren.