This presentation will include all aspects of how to continually maintain a monthly Family Learning Meeting Series developed for a full academic year. Identify, secure, and schedule relevant community topics and corresponding organizations that will present their services and are available to meet the needs of families of low-income schools. Content to include physical health, emotional and mental well-being, out-of-school opportunities, housing, financial stability and growth, food security, taxes, and careers for your child’s future. Support is provided for family engagement staff to create and provide space for families to participate remotely or at their child’s school. The Family Learning Meetings were developed and maintained through the program of OnTrack Greenville which was designed to support the highest-poverty middle and high schools in the area.

Dr. Edward Anderson is the Executive Director of OnTrack Greenville. He is also the Affinity Space Chair for the BOLD Leadership Network. He is a former principal with a demonstrated history of working in education management industry. Edward's expertise includes leveraging community partnerships & increasing engagement, trauma-informed practices, alternative discipline strategies and strategic planning.
Kia Keyton is the Director of School and Community Engagement for OnTrack Greenville. She was the Director of the African American Male Scholars Initiative and the Director and Success and Retention Navigator for the Transitions Program at Greenville Technical College. She teaches in the Theatre and Performance Studies department at Kennesaw State University online.