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Amplifying Multilingual Voices and Learning in K-12 Education through History and Civics

This workshop session will introduce participants to the Amplifying Multilingual Voices and Learning in K-12 Education: A Culturally Responsive Knowledge and Language-Building PBL Design. The NYCDOE Division of Multilingual Learners will present the outcomes of a three-year collaboration with educators, scholars, community-based institutions and organizations, featuring language literacy through History and Civic Engagement. This teaching and learning design proposes an instructional model that strengthens the instructional core for multilingual/ learners, while leveraging their voices, contributions to American history, lived experiences and academic assets. Participants will be equipped with instructional tools and resources.

Link to Breakout Activity
This talk was presented at:
2023 National ESEA Conference
February 2023 in Indianapolis, IN
For more information:
Maria Friedland

Maria Oliveira-Friedland represented the NYCDOE Division of Multilingual Learners in a cross-functional collaboration to review culturally responsive resources in New York. Maria offers her expertise as a middle school language literacy educator, multilingual learner curriculum developer. Maria is a PLC facilitator expert, experienced coaching lead, community educational engagement facilitator and geographer. She is an immigrant educational leader, Latina of color professional, NYCDOE parent, and a firm believer in the power of public education.