int(20) int(8) ESEA Video On Demand National ESEA Association
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EL Instructional Coaching: Models of Support for Teachers of English Learners

Implementing best practices of EL Instructional Coaching is crucial for district's ability to support classroom teachers of ELs. When EL coaching is chosen for job-embedded teacher support, quality analyses of research-based practices are needed. Presenters share their insights on how research-based models are applied in practice. Equity for ELs is conceived as the main purpose of implementing EL coaching: We call to reimagine how equity for ELs is served. EL Instructional Coaching scaffolds teachers’ ability to make rigorous content comprehensible for ELs, not simplified. We discuss key principles and practical models of how districts can establish, develop, and evaluate their EL coaching systems and share the resources created and collected over the years. We also reflect on the reasons behind the decisions to keep some of these practices and never use others. This session is of special interest to anyone involved in the professional development of classroom teachers of ELs.

This talk was presented at:
2022 National ESEA Conference
February 2022 in New Orleans, LA
For more information:
Svetlana Nuss

Dr. Svetlana Nuss teaches an online graduate-level teacher education program with a concentration in Bilingual Education and TESOL Certification and serves as an EL instructional coach. Svetlana’s research interests include language and literacy acquisition, EL instructional coaching program implementation, and issues of teaching morphologically rich languages.

Tracy Tabor

Tracy Tabor, MEd, teaches EL students and co-teaches with general education teachers in an elementary setting. Tracy prepares and provides professional development to school corporation staff on best practices for EL instruction.

Diana Bayona

Diana Bayona coaches mainstream teachers in an elementary setting on EL strategies and supports. Diana prepares and provides district-wide professional development on best practices for EL instruction.