int(23) int(8) ESEA Video On Demand National ESEA Association
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Everyone Has a Role in Effective Data Cultures

This presentation will describe the research and best practice foundations for building and sustaining data cultures within educational agencies. This includes developing data literacy, the supporting technologies, the vision and purposes for data use, the alignment of educational questions and issues to the requisite data, and the need for leadership to support effective data use. The presentation will use research findings such as the IES Practice Guide (Hamilton et al, 2009) and various NCES Forum Guides. It will draw on work in two states and at both the LEA and SEA levels. The session will engage attendees in discussing their agencies' context to provide guidance about actionable steps they can take to develop, embed, and sustain a data culture that will promote effective and responsible data use. It will differentiate data for accountability versus continuous improvement, identifying keys processes for enculturating data use.

This talk was presented at:
2022 National ESEA Conference
February 2022 in New Orleans, LA
For more information:,
Ellen Mandinach

Dr. Ellen Mandinach is an internationally known expert in educational data use. She has written widely on the topic through dozens of articles, reports, and several books. She developed the construct, data literacy for teachers and is working in the area of the ethics of data use. She holds a Ph.D. in educational psychology from Standford University.

Eric Crane

Dr. Crane has worked with many state and local educations on issues pertaining to assessment, including the California Department of Education, the Nevada Department of Education, the Delaware Department of Education, and the American Samoa Department of Education.