In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, careful data analysis and the examination of local inequities are more important than ever before. In this presentation, participants will learn how to leverage exploratory data analysis (EDA) techniques to dive deeper into their local data to discover inequities. Participants will gain hands on experience in analyzing a data set using Google Sheets and will learn a process that can be easily replicated on their local data when they get home. Additionally, this presentation will cover the underlying theoretical foundations of EDA as a continuous improvement activity and highlight EDA work being performed in Kentucky's Targeted and Comprehensive Support and Improvement schools (TSI/CSI).
Dr. Matthew Courtney is a Policy Advisor at the Kentucky Department of Education where his work focuses on the implementation of federal programs, innovative policy efforts, and policies related to social and emotional learning. Dr. Courtney is also a researcher specializing in research and data use among education leaders and has spent ten years studying and designing programs to help boost the adoption of research related decision making processes.