Recruitment and retention of teachers in rural remote settings is an ongoing challenge that has been exacerbated following the COVID-19 pandemic. Educators in rural school districts often cannot access professional communities of job-alike professionals that understand the challenges to supporting students rural remote settings. This session will describe the he Northwest Rural Innovation and Student Engagement (NW RISE) Network. NWRISE is facilitated by the R16 and R17 Comprehensive Centers and brings together educators from rural communities in Idaho, Montana, and Washington, creating a professional learning community of rural remote educators who may often work in isolation. The goals of this session are: 1. To present NWRISE rural school network to allow for replication and 2. To engage participants in a collaborative problem solving session to discuss current issues related to rural teacher recruitment

Tony has been with the Washington State OSPI for 20 years serving as the Rural Education Program Supervisor for the last seven years
Megan has been with the Region 16 Comprehensive Center for over a year, serving as project manager for the Alaska, Washington, and Oregon region. Her work is guided by the needs of educators and communities to improve the educational outcomes of each student.