int(13) int(8) ESEA Video On Demand National ESEA Association
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Formative Assessment - A Lifeline for Students Struggling with Academic Language

Formative assessment builds the capacity of educators working with English learners to maximize El student’s ability to learn the target language while mastering rigorous grade level academic content. Formative assessment also supports students in taking ownership for their own learning by engaging in structured self-assessment practices.This session will provide attendees with a formative assessment framework specifically focused on providing accessible instruction to ensure ELs meet both the language and content learning targets, and demonstrate how this framework can be applied at each stage of the lesson cycle. This four-step process focuses on (1) clarifying the language and content targets, (2) collecting evidence, (3) analyzing evidence, and (4) acting on evidence to modify instruction and learning activities. While this language-focused process is a lifeline for English learners, all students can benefit from the formative assessment framework shared during this session.

This talk was presented at:
2024 National ESEA Conference
February 2024 in Portland, OR
For more information:
Jobi Lawrence

Dr. Jobi Lawrence has over 29 years of experience working across all levels in the field of education, through program administration, evaluation, and implementation with educators across the country and internationally. She currently works at UCLA CRESST as the Director for Product Development and Strategic Partnerships and supports the ELPA21 Assessment Collaborative. Over the course of her career, she has provided leadership at the National Clearinghouse of English Language Acquisition (NCELA) and Regional Comprehensive Centers. She has served as the Director of Title III and Education Program Consultant for the Iowa Department of Education and was a tenured Associate Professor of Education. Dr. Lawrence began her career as a K-12 English as a second language (ESL) instructor in multiple Iowa districts.
