int(18) int(8) ESEA Video On Demand National ESEA Association
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48 : 05
It is Not Too Late! Reading Remediation at the Secondary Level

The common language we use daily is primarily Germanic in nature. However, as we become more formal, sophisticated, and technical in our speaking and conveying of information, so too does our vocabulary. Words used for these purposes are predominantly from Romance, Latin, and Greek-based words. Approximately 70% of our higher level vocabulary used in high school, college, and postgraduate textbooks as well as in most technical or highly trained fields of expertise come from the Greek and Latin root words. Weaving together the sophisticated language study of Greek and Latin roots and affixes and the basic phonetic structure of our language helps build a strong foundation for reading and spelling success for secondary students. Teaching students a systematic process for decoding and encoding using scientifically researched-based learning strategies is effective for instructing students struggling with reading difficulties.

This talk was presented at:
2023 National ESEA Conference
February 2023 in Indianapolis, IN
For more information:
Katie Hodgkins

Katie worked as a special education teacher for 8 years prior to starting her current position as the Director of Instruction at Brainspring Educator Academy. She is certified to teach educators in Brainspring’s MSLE based programs accredited by the International Dyslexia Association (Tier 3) and International Multisensory Structured Language Education Council. Katie oversees and monitors curriculum, instruction and Instructors for Brainspring courses and has also contributed to the development of many professional development workshops and educational materials available through Brainspring. She strives to educate as many teachers and parents on the best practices for addressing the needs of struggling readers using scientifically based research.